Place: On the boat to the shores Purgatory TWBS: So, what are they all singing? (As per last installment.) Senor: In exitu Israel de Aegypto, "When Israel Came Out of Egypt." There's gonna be some Gregorian chants here, you've been warned. TWBS: Well that sucks. That's shit music that died out centuries ago. Senor:
Insane Shit
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXVII
Your Jets at the Bye Rant
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 12: The Depression Police
The D of S, Vol. II: Prologue
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXVI
The English: Are They Human? Case Study 11: The Exploding Corpse
The D of S, Cerchio Nove
A Dark and Foggy Night
Casino Coffee Shop. 11:00 AM.
image via [interior: a packed casino coffee shop. A man sits at a table for two] Man: "Dude! There you are!" [another man staggers up to the table and sits down heavily. He places both hands to his head] Dude: "Hey man. What's up?" Man: "DUDE! [laughing] You look like shit!" Dude: "You should feel it