The only thing better than true happiness is absolutely not giving a shit. This truth we, the nihilist association of something or other, hold to be self-evident. In perhaps a similar vein, the only thing better than luck is dumb luck. Dumb luck has served me well. Rather than the
KSK Radio
Request Line: Christmas-Adjacent
INT. CRAMPED OFFICE CUBICLE - DAY MICHAEL VICK sits uncomfortably in front of a desktop computer. He is peering closely at the screen. Pan over to show the image that he's looking at. MICHAEL VICK: Aw, she's all tuckered out. Wait...Computer, pan up. DJ 3000: I HAVE A NAME, YOU KNOW. MICHAEL VICK: Shut
Request Line – Get In Or Get Out, Make Up Your Mind
Request Line: Meat
Request Line: In Good Hands
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is seated at the console, setting things up for the day's show. DJ 3000 relaxes nearby. DJ 3000: So who's the guest for today? PRODUCER: [looks up] Oh, actually it's quite the get. DJ 3000: We're closing out the season in style? PRODUCER: Very much so. RECEPTIONIST: [via intercom]
Request Line: Joy
Request Line: Poolside
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER is pacing in the studio, running through a list of tasks. PRODUCER: ...and once you get the station directory updated, you need to start working through that backlog of DFO Radio podcasts. DJ 3000: [CONTROLLER NOT FOUND] PRODUCER: Knock it off, I know there's nothing wrong with
Your “Holy shit, the Dolphins still exist?” 2019 Preview
Request Line: Boots on the Ground
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A disappointed-looking PRODUCER is seated in front of the console, talking on the phone. PRODUCER: ...and of course I'm not a doctor Mr. Brown but I really don't think more cryotherapy is the answer. ANTONIO BROWN: [inaudible] PRODUCER: [sighs] Well, yes, your football career really must come first. I guess
DFO Art Week: Request Line / Radio
Request Line: Title Tracks
INT. NEW YORK JETS TRAINING FACILITY - DAY A pair of men are standing outside an office, inspecting the name plate that is mounted on the wall. JANITOR: want it changed again. ADAM GASE: That's right. JANITOR: But... GASE: Listen, the hierarchy here is...fluid. JANITOR: Okay. GASE: And it's important that my title here accurately reflects
Request Line: Names, Names, Names!
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A well-tanned PRODUCER and a cheerfully lit-up DJ 3000 stroll into the office. PRODUCER: Well that sure was a relaxing eight week stay in Puerto Vallarta, wouldn't you say, DJ 3000? DJ 3000: SI, SI, FUE MUY RELAJENTE. PRODUCER: We're back in the States, buddy. Better switch back to English before