Lesser Week el Tres, JV NFL Week Nil Open Thread

Apparently, 26 August is National Blow Notre Dame Day (congratulations to those who celebrate).  Not much other excuse for them playing bad-even-for-their-recent-history Naval Academy crew...with essentially the ENTIRE slate to themselves.  Seriously, this is absolute monkey feces.  But I get ahead of myself, we have good Premiership action first. Cherries host Spurs

CFL Beat: Week 12

It's your last week for the replacement (me)  for the replacement writer (Don T) of the CFL beat.  Maestro should be back and refreshed and mad at how bad I did.  Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back and since this gig don't pay in anything but a few likes, sucks

CFL Beat: Week 11

So, remember when last week Don T stepped in for the still vacationing Maestro and did a great job.  Well, prepare to be underwhelmed. So, we've now got a Canadian talking about a Canadian league and playing Canadian music.  This will make the CTRC (Canadian TV and Radio watchdog) happy.  And

Balls Magazine Volume 19

The last time I played golf, it was the 4 club tournament in July. To refresh your memories, here are the four clubs I chose: 5 Wood 7 Iron Pitching Wedge Putter I ended up shooting an even 100, which I was very happy with. Unfortunately, due to work commitments and some work around the

CFL Beat: Week 10

Well, hello. Your friendly neighboUrhood Maestro is on sabbatical in Europe with Lady Maestro. You get me for a sub on this instalment of CFL Beat, for which I gladly volunteered my talent. Which won’t be necessary after all. Maestro, being generous and dutiful, left a post skeleton (great), and

Requiem For A Waking Nightmare – Futbol Returns! (2023-24 Prem Preview/Predictions)

That's right, we are LESS THAN A WEEK before our first actual match (Boo-urnley hosting City of Men).  Who knows who will win THAT nailbiter?  So, we better get our prediciones on record before anyone can question our sporting integrity. As always, these picks will end up dreadfully wrong.  Making fun

CFL Beat: Week 9

Some personal news: I am headed off on vacation to Europe for three weeks tomorrow with Lady Maestro! It's my longest and furthest trip ever - greatly looking forward to Paris, Normandy, Brussels, the Austrian Alps, and Munich. It also means that for the first time since the [Door Flies

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: “This is a Woodlawn-bound 4 Train.”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwZdDyH9LLc Ah, yes, summer in the big city. The subway stations are oppressively hot (dear god, Herald Square in summer), the Mister Softee trucks have been pushed out by bootlegs (like New York Soft Serve), and the Canada wildfire smoke has (mostly) subsided! We hope. It's that time, because they don't yearly

Another Selection of Phrases from Aussie Footy Broadcasts That Are Confusing, Bizarre, Hilarious, or Just Plain Dirty

Banner Photo Credit: https://thewest.com.au/sport/afl/greene-powers-giants-to-stunning-comeback-win-over-dogs-c-11426231 A Subsequent Selection of Phrases from (recent-ish) Aussie Footy Broadcasts That Are Confusing, Bizarre, Hilarious, or Just Plain Dirty*: Burned so many tickets Sold the dummy Another behind Pounds the ball deep In really good touch Disposals Ryan with a hand there right up the back Scott's gonna chop that off Gets good purchase on that Can't

CFL Beat: Week 8

We're officially through the first third of the CFL season, and since my complaint recently about the lack of parity in the league, we've had some steps to return to a bit more equilibrium. We've been fortunate to have some really good ball through these first seven weeks, even as

2pack Returns With Dutch Treat (2023 Women’s World Cup Team Report – The Netherlands (Dutch Ladies!))

The Dutch ladies currently ranked 9 th in FIFA world standings are in Group E along with the USA (1), Portugal (21) and Vietnam (32). They begin group play with Portugal on 23 July, followed by the USA 27 July and finishing up with Vietnam on 1 August. Going strictly