Oh Boy! Rotational Thursdays with Litre!

Hey there. At the moment that this is posted I will be in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Thai food? Phenomenal.  **Note I was quite inebriated when I originally wrote this so it really bounces around a bit. BUT I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS!**   So, I was stoned, and I decided to throw out a

Saturday Night Open Thread – The No More Fireworks Dammit Edition


I love the 4th of July. I specially have loved spending the 4th outside the USA. I remember vividly spending one 4th in Rome while traveling and hearing about a fireworks display being put on by an ex-pat club in the city. We went (I was in a group with Americans

Saturday Night Open Thread – The No More June Gloom Edition


I am getting better. I remembered that I committed to write the Saturday Night Open Thread at least two hours before post time. WHOOHOO!! There are a LOT of things to discuss: The weather has turned for the better. We are now in PEAK LA mode. It's sunny and beautiful without it being

Saturday Night Open Thread – The June Gloom Edition part trois

It just dawned on me that I was supposed to be writing tonight's Open Thread. AGAIN! WOOPS! Fuck me in the goat ass. I swear one of these weeks I'll remember and prepare. Things to discuss: I played golf in the rain AGAIN on Thursday. I didn't do as well as the last time.

Saturday Night Open Thread – The June Gloom Edition part deux

It just dawned on me that I was supposed to be writing tonight's Open Thread. WOOPS! I will do a real good Karen Carpenter job. Several things to discuss: I played in DAY ONE of my golf club championship today. I broke 100 and scored a 98. Day 2 is tomorrow. I'm in

Saturday Night Open Thread – The June Gloom Edition

It has been remarkably cold and wet in Southern California this year. We started with Atmospheric Rivers in January that bled into February and even into March. Then we stopped getting Rivers and just got good ole regular April Showers. Those eventually relented and we thought the sun would finally

Oh Boy. Late night Skyline Chili with litre & BC Dick

Good evening. Here's the background to this tasting. You may be aware that in the past during the offseason I used to do an international snaxx post where I would get high and go to international grocery stores for stoner food. Well, I once mentioned that I would enjoy trying Skyline

Oh Boy! Rotational Thursdays with Litre.

Good evening to you! At this point I've just returned from a much needed vacation in Arizona! You see, my folks, and my in-laws both live in Phoenix because they are not stupid and flee the Canadian winter. Sadly they live clear across town from each other so I did so