BattleBots Beat: Double-Double

Welcome back to the Beat! Last week, Minotaur had a fire. Tombstone had a fire. And Pain Train's batteries had a fire. Well, I can pretty much guarantee there will be fewer fires. If there were more fires I'd be pretty damn impressed because that would essentially be every fight. Onto the

BattleBots Beat: “Well, I Woke Up to Get Me a Cold Pop…”

Yup, we're starting out with a Sweet Brown reference. And yet you still read this dreck! Welcome back to the BattleBots Beat! As far as BattleBots review columns go. I remain your friendly neighborhood Senor Weaselo, apparently chief correspondent on all non-human competitions—this, the Marble League Rolldown, McNally McMonster hunting seasons, and

Return of the BattleBots Beat: Your 2021* Preview!

*Sees it's Wednesday the 5th* Shit, I should probably write this. Greetings lizard people one and all, it's time for another season of everyone's favorite inhuman and therefore wholesome violence! Yes, it's the 2021 season and they're starting it on *checks calendar* dammit, Light Treason Day. Well, at least there'll be something

Your Festivus Airing of Grievances/Open Thread

Well, another year has come and gone, and it's time for another Festivus celebration. RIP Jerry Stiller, who I would wager had free rein to do whatever he wanted during Festivus dinner. No script, just go off. Anyway, since we're light until the evening it's time for our own Airing of Grievances!

Your Boredom Alleviating Thursday Afternoon Thread

It's better than drinking the wateriness of Senor Weaselo's Scottish Breakfast tea that he got last December for Christmas. It's decidedly meh. Which is unfortunate because I like my Assams. Well, onto Senorita Weaselo's Hong Kong Black Tea she bought me. I know that's the good stuff. I'd say "onto the news"

Got No Gas: Your Jets At/After the Bye Post

Well, time for that time again. The part where we either laugh at dumbasses for being way too high on their team, scowl at jackasses for being pleasantly surprised at their team, or grimace at smartasses for being perfectly right about their team. That's right, it's time for the DFO

House of Pain: To Market, To Market

Goddamn, am I behind on these. Also I still have to buy the hot sauce for the banner tournament people, which will be featured in a future post. I swear I'll get it to you guys eventually and will track you down for your respective addresses. Welcome back to House of

Well, Back Up the Hill We Go: Your New York Jets Preview

Hey, nice of us to pop back in the Greek underworld for a bit! Senor Weaselo and Hades are currently mid-bottle of wine (white, Senor can't drink red) and mid-conversation about… something. Senor Weaselo: Anyway, I'm saying you might be able to capitalize on this. Hades, lord of the Greek underworld: Senor,

Are These the Worst Uniforms Ever? (Or, DFO Mocks the MLB All-Star Game Unis)

Yes, I'm sure that by the time this posts it'll be old news, but they dropped the uniforms for this year's All-Star Game (originally in Atlanta but moved to Denver because Georgia doesn't want to let those people vote, and by those people we mean people who normally vote Democratic