We enter the final week of this shindig, and that's the interesting week where it gets good because there's championships and stuff to be won. At this point there are 12 entries left after the first two days of matchups. Bring out the entries! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B0CyOAO8y0 Okay, maybe a little less circus-y. Can
Author: Senor Weaselo
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: The Saucy 16, Day 2
Let's just run down the rest of the second round results before we get to today's Saucy 16 action. Of course, the Saucy 16 is sponsored by Senor's House of Pain: New episodes coming this April! Fuck, we've already gone corporate. Welp, let's get through these. First the SHAN'KHOR Regional's results. 1.
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: The Saucy 16, Day 1
This tournament started at the beginning of the month with 64 of the best banners that we found archived, whether elsewhere on the Internet or by us, from the first three years of this website. Some of course may differ from the 64 chosen if they had their own list.
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round, Day 7
The round's almost over, so dance break! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaPqWjkyzzk And then we shall be down to 16, a full round ahead of the real one! It all comes a-barrelin' to the end of the month. In addition, a couple notes on what's coming up in April—the filming of BattleBots Season 4, which means
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round, Day 6
It's a double dip, and with some updates! And now we can say Happy Tournament. WELCOME TO THE MADNESS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4 Or the Muse song, but they used that a bunch of years ago. Hell, they might still be using it? Meanwhile, here are some second round updates. Second Round, BLEERGH Region 1. “Aaron Hernandez (neck)
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round, Day 5
Still not happy tournament. The real shit starts tomorrow. I've made it abundantly clear at this point. Also you'll get round updates soon, some of these may be getting pre-written due to prior engagements that'll take up the entire day. Opera week was hard enough while in school. It's harder
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round, Day 4
I'd say Happy Tournament, but again, the First Four doesn't really count. So happy two days of almost tournament. As opposed to this tournament, which has already been going on for some time and'll chug on through the second round and remain ahead of the real one. Which I guess
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round, Day 3
I believe we're still owed a region of results before we move onto today's portion of the bracket. Your BOLTMAN Region first round results: 16. “THESE CLEVELAND CAVALIERS I CALL THEM ROBERT MULDOON, BECAUSE THEY GOT EATEN ALIVE BY THE RAPTORS.” BEATS 1. “[Is] there also a Cripso’s on another corner in
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round, Day 2
It's St. Patrick's Day, which means green things for all! I can't do anything with it, I'm working today. And I'd give jigs as your obligatory dance music, but those aren't as fun as this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JcmQONgXJM IT'S DANCE-ADJACENT, CLOSE ENOUGH. I could have posted Riverdance. Do you want Riverdance? No, you do
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: Second Round! Day 1
Welcome to the second round! The 32 winners from the first round move on to this one, you know, like regular March Madness. And like regular March Madness, the winners now get into actual named rounds, and not just the "n+1th" round. We call it the Saucy 16 because, well, (I
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: First Round, Day 15 (End of the Round!)
The first couple days of the proper NCAA Tournament (not you, First Four, you're not fooling anyone) are hectic as all hell as you go across every conceivable network to find the games, and once again remember what TruTV is—occasionally they have that World's Dumbest show, which is how we know
2019 [DFO] Banner Tournament: First Round Day 14
14 days to complete a round? What are we, the world's longest Row, Row, Row Your Boat round? No, that gets no YouTube link. Today we get The Man, Jascha Heifetz, playing a polonaise. Except I prefer the A Major—I've played them both but I like the A Major better