Your “Late Sunday Game, Yes You Have to Watch” NFL-ish SNF Open Thread

How's THAT for a freaking title?  Short....sort of.  To the point....mostly.  I was pretty impressed. Apparently I was the only one.  OK. How'd I end up here tonight, typey typey-ing?  Waxing neither syphilitic.....errrrrr philosophic, nor poetic...bcuz I iz stupid n junk....but like seriously, how'd I end up here? SCOTCHNAUT!!!!!!!!!!! already knew the answer. 

Quotables Week 14 – Results Awesomeness

Am I overselling it?  Really?  I thought "Awesomeness" was pretty good.  No? OK, my agent has instructed me to state that "Awesomeness" is a word chosen by me, personally, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or interests of the [DFO] Network or any of its subsidiaries. But fuck them....I think you

Quotables Week 14 Submissions – The “tWBS breaks the internet” version

Seriously, if I don't have a stroke or accidentally put norad on defcon1 before this is over, it will be a minor miracle. tWBS steals gifs from many places.  He has always found comfort with this dynamic. Now he has to learn to make them......???? /re-reads email with instructions sent from blax to

TGISF…aka “I Couldn’t Think of a Good Theme This Week, So…..Keira Knightley and ASS HERPES” Sexy Friday Open Thread

**Disclaimer....I am not saying Keira Knightley has ASS HERPES.  As far as I know, she most definitely does not....(please do not sue DTZM) But it was pointed out to me while in Vegas last weekend, though in a subtle fashion admittedly (I'm looking at you Rikki Tikki Deadly and Rev Mayhem),

TGISF…aka “LIVE FROM VEGAS!!!!” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Well, maybe "LIVE from Vegas" is an overstatement, as this is mostly being written while I'm still on normal standard time....errrrr eastern standard time.  But regardless of being pre-written, by the time this post goes up on Friday evening, I and at least a few of our other imaginary peeps

TGISF…aka Your “Sexy Thanksgiving Feast” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yes,  I know.  I'm fully aware that by the time you read this, Thanksgiving will have been over for a good 24 hours...more or less. Don't care. I couldn't think of a better theme this week than Thanksgiving.  So sue me.  Whaddya want for nothing, a Rrrrrrrrubber Biscuit??? (obscure references ftw) And trust

TGISF…aka Your “Don’t Build That Wall Just Yet” Sexy Friday Open Thread

So last week, I made a bit of a faux pas in the sports section of the TGISF entry.  While I had every intention of mentioning the Mexico/USA qualifier, I pulled a brain cramp on that one and simply forgot to put it in there.  BallsofSteelandFury, as he is apt

Your “Worst Uninvited House guest in EVAR!!” Walking Dead Recap

Greetings fellows and fellettes.  For this week's recap of The Slowest Show On Earth...errr The Walking Dead, I'm filling in for the lovely and talented BeerGuyRob.  Because apparently traveling with Ms. Rob is more important to him that we are.  I know I feel important in his list of priorities. 

TGISF…aka “tWBS Watches Horrible Movies and TV Just to See Amanda Seyfried” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yep, it's true.  Perhaps sadly.  Pathetically?  Yeah, perhaps.  But still true nonetheless. I've watched so many horrible movies and TV shows, sometimes more often than I'd care to admit, just to watch that little quirky smirky smile on that adorable little face.  And the rest of her ain't bad, either.  Don't

Your “Please God, Just Let it be Over Already” SNF Open Thread

Whom amongst us isn't tired of the Broncos?  And a resurgence in Oakland?  Come on Universe!!!!!! /ducks rotten tomato hurled by Hippo //nailed by rotten egg hurled by RTD Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Fine, I get it.  This is a marquee matchup which very well could decide the AFC West outright before is all

TGISF…aka Hallelujah, Where’s the Tylenol…aka Sara Jean Underwood is a Goddess/Sexy Friday Open Thread it really Friday again already?  Yeesh, I really gotta stop drinking so much. The title for Sexy Friday this week should be self-explanatory.  You either love Sara Jean Underwood, or you are not a true human. And I'm not going to lie to you fine people.  It's been a tough couple