DETOX, SUICIDE WATCH, AND "WELCOME TO CAT 5" Unfortunately, this is the portion of my journey I am the most unfamiliar with for a variety of reasons, so my recollections will be recounted to you as they exist in my head; in brief snatches experienced in varying degrees of lucidity. Thank
Boots on the Ground
Boots on the Ground: The Crazy House!
From Calgary to Qatar: Wakezilla’s Road to the World Cup.
Hello everyone! Unless you're an American, you probably know that the Lesser footy World Cup will be happening in less than a week's time. And unless you're part of the 0.05% of hardcore Canadian lesser footy fans, you also probably didn't know that Canada qualified for the second time ever--the first
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Edge of History Whoever it was who liked my RNG goddesses Anna joke from way back when, here's another Fire Emblem joke. You're welcome. No, I said the edge of history, goddammit! No word on whether they steal the Declaration of Independence. …Not quite. Fuck it, start again. So last week you may have mentioned I un-errored
Wumbo Wednesday with Weaselo: Yes, We Attend Concerts Too
Once again, a good evening. This is Wumbo Wednesday, and to answer everyone's questions from last week, or I guess originally my question… well, still nothing moved me, and it's admittedly tough knowing you won't be able to watch the majority of games due to spending Saturday mornings driving Senorita
Dancing in the Lake Of Fire
I'm going to blame Kristen Stewart for this. "Open with" Scary dead children floating in the ethereal mist chanting. Tajjy and Kristen sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G. Oh bliss Eyes open, wake up to: Day 109 locked down in the Covid cave. One thing is for certain madness dwells here. Every day you face the
Dreams really do come true, if you’re an idiot
The Gods of Football
Let’s go to Hollywood, but why?
Boots On The Ground: Actual Live Sports!
Ever since the Coronavirus unleashed its plan to colonize our bodies with weapons-grade cooties, the world had been denied the joys of attending live sporting events. Contrarianism, a lack of respect for expertise, and an absence of basic empathy have concocted a heady brew that continues to make attending sports