Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Sports Nadir (non-Abed) Edition

(Though I would argue slight Abed, considering come on, there's definitely some neurodivergence up in here *points to brain*). All right, let's Carpenter this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W7pLkFkVjg Fun fact! Gambon Corner was originally called Carpenters Corner, after, yes, the Carpenters. Okay, quick ramblings that would make Rascal Renegade proud (who gets a shoutout because he's

AFL Beat 2024 – Round 18

Things seem to be back to normal. Sort of. Oh, and the West Coast Eagles finally fired their coach. Let's see what happened. *** The Ladder *** The Results *** The Highlights https://youtu.be/350a4SAMooE?si=SsqHyDZwhvPAaE2g https://youtu.be/1Ca8g_x0HTk?si=5dLeU0azjYjAqRjA https://youtu.be/Fmr_u8tYWfU?si=2Trz-yn1OAqGN9-x https://youtu.be/EU0Rd4QgPwU?si=Qc8CYvdPWIeHTAgO https://youtu.be/L8N4AcwYhbg?si=kOr_-4TH7eDz0qx9 https://youtu.be/kpgiesi457c?si=NdKgChHRMBT_hX09 https://youtu.be/CsftClmUbj8?si=lAyiWdqjasxYt-__ https://youtu.be/H4JDKDqAx7s?si=edGsZ_ZdtGatkG6B https://youtu.be/hOD3jH5h2BE?si=MSY1aJC9OyIY2D4q *** Next Round's Schedule *** Footy Tipping Contest *** Notes and Comments Sydney is back in the win column but it was against North Melbourne, so what can you really deduce

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. Seriously. There isn't. This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:When it comes to

Monday Morning Mock Draft: What’s HE Doing Here?

Good Monday Morning folks.  As I write this on Sunday night I am exhausted, having spent most of the day outside either on a deck or in a lake. Oh, do you not have friends with a lake house to which you are invited when it is hot out? Pity. Anyway, like I

Sunday Footy Finals Open Thread


We have TWO scintillating Championship games on tap for your viewing pleasure today. First up: Euro 2024 Spain v England All the English are banging on about Bringing It Home and all that shit but the Scots, Welsh, Irish, and pretty much every country that was conquered or harassed by the English

Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 20: Possible Canadia Bronze Medals Day!

You're not getting much from me today. I did not write this post ahead of time, as I usually do, and I just came back from playing golf (badly) in the heat. I'm so tired, I have no energy to bitch at y'all for criticizing my beloved Marika and her slutty

Request Line: The Desert

INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY The PRODUCER sits at his desk, unwrapping a package from Amazon.  DJ 3000 remains in his usual location, still covered in sexy stickers. DJ 3000: SO HEY MAN WHAT'S IN THE BOX? PRODUCER: If you are trying to sound like Brad Pitt, it isn't working. DJ 3000: EH, I'LL

Oh, Look! I Screwed Up!

Thursdays are my turn and I completely forgot because this week is an unrepentant monkey. Random Thoughts: -My dumb dog Molly tried to eat a turtle earlier this week. -Canada's men's team won't reach a semi-final of any kind soccer-wise for the next 30 years. That's why this team should be celebrated. I'll

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Tuesday Night Wednesday Special!

In that I'm at least starting this on Tuesday night, due to a rehearsal Wednesday morning/afternoon and gig Wednesday night. Why did I agree to go to Washington Heights? I don't know, not the biggest fan of myself I guess, because that shit's far from where I am in Queens.

AFL Beat 2024 – Round 17

Strange things are afoot in Sydney. Let's see what happened. *** The Ladder *** The Results *** The Highlights https://youtu.be/IcmfIv2kAlU?si=nCv1ODzzXoAi6Hg7 https://youtu.be/0HCSAiYnSHg?si=7G0QJ2U3bc7Mhz85 https://youtu.be/x5cBIANc7Wo?si=h1AWUadXaIIPbO8B https://youtu.be/kFoZ1c3xXsk?si=RZBHnkHIGGqklo0H https://youtu.be/osQjR2FHdyI?si=2cMJ_JIVOxbEVU-r https://youtu.be/-r-6BDpvb2g?si=7EcKpRINjBhi7LJJ https://youtu.be/no9QLib5eec?si=2bagog55X-RYpynZ https://youtu.be/h76eEuP5xSA?si=jf-vRr7USPh23pAd https://youtu.be/9SAsY703TBc?si=IIUxlkhAhGd199wO *** Next Round's Schedule *** Footy Tipping Contest *** Notes and Comments Sydney has now lost two games in a row after I said they would never lose again Shoresy-style. I don't know what going on. Australian media is saying teams have figured them