You may remember Hippo (and/or Other Hippo) saying things like: Not all Tories are cunts, and not all cunts are Tories. But Frank Lampard is a Tory Cunt. Well, fuck it. Now he's OUR Tory Cunt, and I welcome him to Merseyside, without reservation. You see, when you endure 6 months of
The One Where Hippo Starts Watching Everton Again
Admittedly, the rumours around the managerial search...have not been encouraging. There remains chaos and incompetence in the boardroom. But fuck it, Useless Fuckwit Benitez is gone, and I can watch my beloved Toffees again. Which is timely, given that Everton/Villa are the wakey-bakey Saturday offering (7:30, USA). Slippy G returns to
Afrikan Euros In DFO Lesser Spotlight – Sabado Open Thread
So many fixtures, so many tWBS scorelines. Perhaps his ghost is dancing in the stands with the Senegalese support. First, the distasteful White Devil preliminaries. NBC/USA is paywalling the City/Chelski brekkie match (7:30, Peacock). Kind of a dick move, especially when trying to get viewership used to the new channel and
SexcsiMexi kit review.
*All kit pictures are taken from which is a pretty cool site for people obsessed by football kits. Good day to you. The content monster needed to be fed and due to how much I enjoyed Tony in Texas' kit review from England I decided to do one for SecsiMexi
FA Cup Already? FA Cup Already Saturday Open Thread
Lesser USA (Starting) Today
#TransformerNuAIDS – Sweeping the Premiership! Lesser Open Thread
BOTG: Canada Futbol Edition
Welcome to Lesser Hades – Saturday Open Thread
JV Shempionship Day! and Other Lesser Matters
Yes, I will still half-assedly talk of teh futbol. But we have some mouthwatering title matches, with $7,000 in September Prop Bet Possibilities for Hippo. C'mon Team Secular Big Love State and Northern Illinois! Make Hippo feel not-head-in-oven-y for a few days!! Hammers/Chelsea is worth waking up for. And you'll have