Hello there fellow DFO'er. Hope you're well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain. There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. While I love having a long weekend, it always takes me a
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Subsequent GTD reflections
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Subsequent GTD reflections
Subsequent GTD reflections
Subsequent GTD reflections
AFL Beat 2021 AFL Finals Week 3
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Your Cobb-led together Packers preview
Guest Post – Walkingthedog Fills You In On: the European Champions League
[Earlier this summer, I reached out to the dormant Commentists to ask if they were Still around, and Interested in commenting or posting. This post is the result of those labours. If you want to join in, hit me up. Otherwise, enjoy.] Good morning? Afternoon? Whatever. Fucking time zones. I'm Commentist Walkingthedog. It's Thursday night.