Give The Governor a Harrumph – Mel Brooks Open Thread

I must have been five years old when my father took our family to see “Silent Movie” in the theatRe. I got into it immediately. Everything was self-explanatory, one gag after the other, very little dialogue: great for a kid with basic reading skills and knowing almost no English. Then

Apathy: An Endorsement – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

Why care. Nothing is permanent. Every tingle felt from eye contact, and all smiles, hugs, lusty grabs and “You were right”s are but fleeting seconds of smoldering bliss that time blows away like ash from a cig. Emotional attachments create longing and melancholy or even worse—sadness, a dull and dreadful

First Pre-Preseason Sunday Open Thread

[Walks up to podium, slight nod towards youse, adjusts microphone exasperatingly, grumbling atmosphere established] Cough. Hi! Good evening. Yeah… I’m also bummed. If only fortune granted us the treat of another NFL game and the witty, knowing, silly and hysterical scotchnaut pregame post. But-- 🦺📢🚧OBVIOUS CRAP ALERT🚧📢🦺 --the 2022 season had to end sometime.

Aaaaa [harp notes] The Shempiens… Round of 16, Gameday 2

Hello, individual in the middle of a workday, welcome to Day 2 of the Final 16 of the Shempiens Lïg. Teams play a two-legged series, ida and vuelta en español, which sounds like a holiday. Or, going and coming in English, which would be a very very efficient booty call. YOU: Ah

A Valentine for the Shempiens – Round of 16, Gameday 1

After an intense Hate Week and the sudden end of the NFL season, here’s Valentine’s Day: the most superficial and fabricated holiday there is. First, it’s a workday. Second, it’s all about merchandising and half-assing affection. Hearing “What are WE going to do for Valentine’s Day” sounds more like a

The Dream of Colonial Revenge: MAR v. FRA Slave LaboUr Cup Semi

You know how it is. Some foreigners come to your backyard like they own the place and steamroll over everything: freedom, language, culture, livelihoods... On the other hand [cleans and places monocle] the very ingratitude. This used to be a handful of huts populated by barefoot and unwashed masses. You

Slave LaboUrs Recap and Knockouts Day 1 Mundial Open Thread

Hola, beautiful gente. Your regularly scheduled pachyderm is doing kingly stuff so excuse me while I hijack this spot to talk about an infuriating, kooky, and pretty freakin' absorbing Mundial. But first, our respects and a word for the dead. Category obe, countries that only scored one goal: Yeah, the "respects part"

Chalk or Destiny: Argentina Slave LaboUr Cup Preview

"Oops, almost stepped on the country with the best fans, with the best insults, the best foods, with the best fútbol player and the best sights. In sum, the best country" reads the banner meme, a tight distillation of the world-famous Argentinian humility. As to Messi and food, yeah, it's accurate.

On the Offensive – Uruguay Slave World Cup Preview

Greetings, cretins. Line up your toothiest, bity-est takes for the farewell performance of Luis Suárez’s career. More accomplished nags than I will also expound on Suárez’s presumptive dirty play and diving, which would sully further the already unredeemable festival of greed and homophobia that is the Cutter World Cup. It

The Cozy Simplicity of Crises: a Wednesday Motivational

Let’s assume, just for a moment, that you are impatient or neurotic (quite a stretch, oh yeah). Imagine you are hungry and you extend an invitation to a friend or loved one for grabbing a bite wherever. And the very worst thing possible happens: “I dunno. Where do you want to