Boots on the Ground! Things to do in Denver When you’re Drunk. Part 1 – The Full Mile High

A couple of weeks ago I took my annual, "Well shit I have to use up some vacation time" vacation. I'm a big baseball fan and I took the opportunity to add another MLB stadium to my "visited" list. I've been to 16 current MLB stadiums along with 5 or

Boots On The Ground – “The Summer of 50” Part 2: How To Create A Liquor & Golf Vacation

In Part 1 of the series, I covered how to create a veneer of respectability around an event by giving it a title. In this part of the story, we cover the trip to Scotland and the accompanying whisky tastings. As for the whisky tours, that planning started back in April

Boots On The Ground – “The Summer of 50” Part 1: A Veneer of Respectability

So, this summer I turned 50. Not a big deal to most, as average life spans are now at the highest they've ever been, as long as you aren't an Iraqi refugee or a black man from Chicago. But still, given the ulcers I developed at age 7 due to

Your 4th of July Day Open Thread & Commentist Beer Barrel: Boots On The Ground – San Diego International Beer Festival 2018

Heyyyy, happy 4th of July, folks! Low Commander here to dust off the old Beer Barrel and hopefully wet your whistles for the incredible day of BBQing, blowing shit up and straight up shameless DRANKIN'. 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays, (mostly because I am not a

TGISF… Talking Baseball

I like baseball.  That's not exactly a secret, I suppose. But what you folks might not realize is that I like baseball just for the sake of baseball itself.  What I mean by that is that I enjoy watching baseball even when I don't have a particular rooting interest.  Weird, but

Sunday Gravy Sabbatical: Boots on the Ground! DTLA and Staples Center.

Howdy folks! First of all a quick apology as Sunday Gravy is on a one week hiatus, it will return next week in it's regular time frame. Trust me, next week is going to be an INSANE episode of Sunday Gravy and I can't wait to throw that fucker down. If you

FISHNET: A BoTG Investigation

Author's Note:  I watched a lot of TV when I was a kid.  One of my favorites was old reruns of Dragnet.  For me, Jack Webb's vocal mannerisms as the Joe Friday character are classic, and sometimes even now, that just comes out.  That's what happened here when I sat

STRAIGHT UP TRIPPIN IN L.A, YO! Boots on the Ground: Saints at Rams by DJ Taj

Banner image courtesy of the legendary Ralph Steadman. Turn off your mind, relax and just float along with me. Maybe it was the 50 grams of high grade edible pot or maybe it was the terribly (we'll get to that ) overpriced beers but what started out was a simple idea, I'm

DFO-CON Vegas II – We’re All Still Alive

As most of you are aware, and are probably tired of hearing about by now I'm sure, some of us here at DFO got together this past weekend in Las Vegas for fun and fellowship.  It was our 2nd consecutive year in Vegas.  And though our numbers may have been

Boots on the Ground: Valhalla

On Saturday 10-21-17 through Tuesday 10-24-17, I fulfilled a major goal and visited Minneapolis to see a Vikings game and to just as importantly see the new US Bank Stadium. Holy fucking shit kids. This stadium is incredible. Some of the reasons for choosing this weekend was; it was right around my