ABOUT A MONTH LATER….. Somewhere in North Carolina – “Yesssss, mom! I’m there! Aggh! Why r u so akward?” She listened to her mom drone on about getting food for the house. Like she needed to be reminded about eating! As if! Duh. She got out of the truck and started walking. Dave watched
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 6
Monday Evening Open Thread – NFL Musical Chairs
Meditations on Pimpin’ – Sunday Open Thread
Buenas noches. Legal tampering starts tomorrow, and NFL 2025 starts next Wednesday. And then there will be the schedule release, draft, rookie minicamps, training camps, and then September, now and forever, amén. But it got rough from the Peak Nothingness between the Owl and now. I’d rather not talk about it,
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 5
PLEASE. STOP. SCREAMING. Your 2025 Academy Awards Open Thread
Good evening, and welcome to the 97th Academy Awards. Conan O'Brien couldn't make it because he's actually hosting the Oscars, so you get me instead, and it's good to be back! I'll tell you up front that I didn't get anywhere near watching every nominee this year, but I've seen