European Battles Rage On

Yes, that's beloved Everton sitting pretty in 5th position.  Of the realistically plausible 2020-21 season outcomes - 5th (with the Shite 8th or lower) would be just about perfect.  I am a bit leery regarding Everton's ability to meaningfully compete in Full-on Shempions (FOAR now), but Europa?  Shit, even Mourinho's

Another Derby Day, Another Ponderance of Life’s Futility

Look, I know I will watch.  But even with the Shite in direst of form...there's no fucking hope.  Just hate.  So very much hate.  My prediction is for 1-nil on a late Salah tally.  Because that is what would hurt the most. Anyway, tis the Spotlight Dance, fuck it all (12:30, NBC). Free-falling

Your Tuesday Internet Talk Open Thread – 20210209

Welcome back! Since Game Time Decision has gracefully offered to take up the weekly comment recap posts that I used to do in Eventual Balls Thoughts, I am taking over the Tuesday Open Threads until BeerGuyRob comes back and Temptation Island finishes. In today's installment, I want to give you

Instant Non-Hippo Thoughts – Post Superb Owl Edition


Ye Olde Hippo decided to boycott this year's game for one reason or another. Maybe he knew that Brady would win and he didn't want to be subjected to the never-ending dick-slobbering that would ensue. It's funny because I thought that RTD was the one that was trying to cut

Your Tuesday Internet Talk Open Thread – 20210126

Game Time Decision has gracefully offered to take up the weekly comment recap posts that I used to do in Eventual Balls Thoughts! In exchange, and in light of the fact that Temptation Island is returning in February and will be airing on Tuesday nights, I will be taking

The Greatest of Pretend HonoUrs – Lesser Sabado Open Thread

In the Pretend Year of Our LAWD 2081, I achieved the crowning achievement of my life (Pretend or otherwise).  Ground is breaking on 140,000 seat Bernard Gilkey Park.  That's right, second new stadium of my long Pretend Man City tenure, and they's naming it after ME. Hey, at least now I can't