Quotable Submissions – End of Regular Season 2017

Happy New Year to everyone!  This is your friendly neighborhood Balls here.  Our usual author, Blaxxy, had himself quite a New Year and is under the weather. Anywhoo, you get me this week. As I mentioned in the New Year Open Thread, one of my New Year resolutions is to look

2017 Quotables – Week 16 (Results)

Photo Credit: NY Post I'd make a "The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree" joke, but honestly, the above-pictured Eli looks more like a penis in that hoodie than he does a fruit. Speaking of circumcision, some tough cuts in this week's quotables. It was a holiday weekend, so like late

2017 Quotables – Week 15 Results

Banner Image from Pinterest.  What? Screw you.  And yes, he is a big ol' meathead. Buenos días, damas y caballeros. Your usual consigliere de Quotables has decided that you all deserve his entertainment but not his judgment. So you're stuck with me. Boo fucking hoo. This week's submissions here. You'll note not all