Thirsty Thursday

I'm so thirsty. Won't someone give me something to drink? I feel like I haven't had a drink in ages. Why am I so thirsty? Can I please have some water? Ah, that's better. The nurse always says my vitamins have a side effect of dry mouth. I don't know what that means, but I'll

New York Giants 2015

How does some youngster in the Canadian wilderness become a Giants fan? Funny you should ask! Back in '76(?) when I was but a little nubbins I fell sick on a Thursday in November. And what to my wondrous eyes did appear? Football. In. The. Middle. Of. The. Day. I

Golf Ball Sized Hail to the 2015 [*Redacted] s

Ahh, the late off-season.  Every [*Redacted] fan's favorite part of the year.  Smell the baseless optimism!  Wallow in the unrealistic expectations!  Look at that softball schedule, 11-5, minimum, we say! Surely this will be the year...RG3 will spring forth from Dan Snyder's forehead, in full uniform, a veritable QB god of

Bear With Me…

(Edit) Welp, that sucked balls.  I put the old system back, let me know if you see bugs.   I'm testing out a new comment system - it's importing all 10 trillion of our comments right now, so commenting may be slow for a bit.  Hopefully we won't all immediately hate this. From

Everybody, Welcome the New Guy

KSK Kommenters is proud to introduce our newest contributor:  The Sports Guy, Bill Simmons! SPORTS GUY: Glad to be here, Zach.  And a pleasure to meet you after all of these years watching you.  I remember the first time I watched Saved By the Bell.  It really reminded me of the

Philadelphia Eagles 2015 Season Preview

Because you're a discerning group, I've assembled a blue-ribbon panel of parochial pundits to prognosticate the prospects for the putative pantywaists of the NFC East, my Philadelphia Eagles.¹ Please welcome Philadelphia native and Matron Saint Suzy Kolber, Super Bowl loser and noted telestrator Ron Jaworski, and frequent WIP caller Ant'ny from