Your “How the Hell Is it Mardi Gras?” Open Night Chatty-Chat

Seriously. T-Swift can’y even stand yet after post-Owl celebrations her and Travis have been doing, and it’s friggin’ Lent tomorrow. On Valentine’s Day!

Bad time to give up candy.

Anyway, it’s Mardi Gras tonight, so NAWLINS had to have been weirder than normal this past weekend/week.

I’m grew up Catholic, and now generously describe myself as “lapsed” at best. I haven’t been to a mass in I don’t know how long, two years? For whatever reason, I still do give up something for Lent. This year is smoking. This is going to suck.

Who said anything about not swearing?

Honestly, THIS should be HATE WEEK since foobawl is over until (GUUUHHHHH) August.

Don’t ask, but there’s a lot of NBA tonight. That’s all over on the Turner channels. NHL has all but four teams playing tonight, but since Gary Bettman remains an Intergalatic Disgrace, you won’t find them anywhere except ESPN+. God, he’s so useless… . JV roundball is in full effect, too. Lots of options there, all over TWWL and TWWL networks, all starting either 19:00 or 21:00 EST/ 18:00/20:00 DFO time.

Wish Dok luck, because she’s been working her tail off with these interviews, and she deserves to land this jorb. It being Fat Tuesday, I guess have some extra tonight (like you weren’t already), since you have an excuse. I’m celebrating with my last half-pack of  lung cancer, and stomach cancer shame pizza. Have fun.

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yeah right

The earlier talk about catholicism got me thinking.
I really didn’t have religion as a big part of my life growing up and I’m an old bastard.
My great grandmother was from Ireland and she became a Baptist.
Which, you know whatever.

But my mom’s parents were pentecostal with the speaking in tongues and shit and my still formulating brain couldn’t deal with that shit.
Basically I never grew up with religion and don’t carry the guilt of it but some shit still fucks with me.

Guess you could call that subliminal implantation.

I’ve given both of my girls and all my granddaughters the ability to seek and find and if what you find works for you that’s great.

Just don’t expect to find my heathen ass sitting in a pew next to you on Sundays.

I’ve got cooking to do.

Last edited 1 year ago by yeah right
Senor Weaselo

Suozzi’s back, and new H*R cartoon. All is good. For now.


Whatever, fine for now.

Don T

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George Santos’ former seat (heh) was just won be a Democrat.

Hurrah and whatnot!


BY not be stupid asshole


I’m pretty psyched at how much the D outperformed the polls. Polls had him with a lead between 1 and 4 points, right now he’s leading by more than 8.


Consistent with pretty much all special elections recently.

I think the loud doesn’t mean the more.

Senor Weaselo

Suozzi’s back, baby!

/He gave up the seat to primary Hochul for governor. It went poorly for everyone.


All right, fine, I’ll do it myself…

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Mr. Ayo

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Throw me something, mister!

Don T

Yo WCS, nicotine gum helps (for me, a LAWT). It’s tricky though. 2 mg is weak and 4 mg may make you feel like Scarface until the woozziness kicks in. Coffee helps to c9rral the nervous energy.


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Mr. Ayo

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If I post a picture of some beads, will Ayo post a picture of some boobs?


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Please don’t tell us where those have been.


Sorry, but this is just too fun of an idea to leave to just Mr. Ayo.

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Mr. Ayo

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Anal beads?


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Ice Rams have 50 shots on goal thru 2 menses events, but are trailing the Ice Bills 5-0.

That seems inefficient.


Josh Ice Allen will start turning it over.


Good news – Ice Rams held em to a touchdown!


Meanwhile, the Ice Chargers lost 5-0 to the Ice Alouettes


kinda mean to do the Ducks like that


I already had TPB on when I entered this post. Good signs.

My wife is doing the Valentine’s Day at School Prep with blaxito. I came home early and we had like a late lunch that served as my Insurance payment to get to the “real Valentine’s Day date” on Saturday. Had good weather. So the backstop is solid there.

Now I’m camping out because I’m finally getting our important (NERD) vendor to my shop tomorrow and so I need to build him a big excel flowchart of some fairly annoying processes we’re going to be communicating to him. Super excited because I’m crossing now into The Shop and I’m sure we’re going to hit a home run her and then I’m gonna be like, “Later Gat0rz.” So anyways, I just tossed on TPB as background noise in the bedroom as I work here. Very good omen (as if there’s any other kind).

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The fact that he misspelled Milhouse’s name makes that tattoo even better.


Pity he didn’t have “THRILLHO”


I had my share of Catholic shenanigans last week. Wake at the funeral home, transiting service, funeral mass, graveside service. My younger brother got visited by a very nice priest every day at the hospital, and my elderly aunt is a nun, who was at the funeral too. She taught my late BIL in elementary school, oddly enough. That was the most churching I’ve been around in years. I’m surprised I didn’t get smote, fortunately my older brother was there, he would get it first for sure!


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“transiting service”

They do sex changes in church now? Damn, things have changed since my altar boy days especially how sore my butt is.


It’s the prayers the priest does before they close the coffin at the funeral home.


Thanks! Learnding is fundamental.


I always wonder if the next time I step into a church (not at all often if I can avoid it) is the time I get struck by lightning.


If you don’t it means God tacitly condones everything you did to make you think you deserved it.


“I was just tryin’ to have me some fun
Well done, hot dog bun, my sister’s elderly aunt’s a nun”


& when you say “I’m surprised I didn’t get smote,” d’ya mean by God or your Aunt?

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Aunt is very soft spoken, but you wouldn’t want to mess with her. She was the principal of several high schools, she takes no prisoners. Her last job was the Assistant Superintendant of Schools for all Catholic schools in the country. She is kind of a big deal in nun circles.