Start of Offseason Monday Open Thread

I’m peeved. Despicable Stan assembled a team of mercenaries and their triumph leaves an indelible mark on history. But enough about the Marvel cinematic universe. Although Aaron Donald would’ve been perfect for The Intelligent Hulk. God damn; what a player. NFL NEWS No games until [sigh] September. Yeah, I’m bummed alright. Although, gotta say: this was

Playoff Overtime Rules – Monday Open Thread

There is one line of “Waiting for Godot” that shakes me deeply: “Never make a decision hungry, angry, or tired”. Which is self-fulfilling for a lazy and contented middle class—but I digress. Sometimes decisions need to be made angry, in the heat of the moment. There is a great injustice being

A 1,000% Rational Titans Bye Report (2021 Playoffs)

We’re into the meaty portion of the 2021 postseason, and what an occasion for NFL calendar pedantry (2022 starts after the Superb Owl), and also crowing about the Tennessee Titans Tits of Titanium being the AFC’s #1 seed. Ok. In reconsideration, more score-settling than crowing. A. During Weeks 7-17, everyone gave mad love

Getting Antsy – Thursday Nite Open Thread

Stupor Wild Card Weekend was a picnic for the winners, even for the Bengals if you discount their own jitters. Honestly: the Raiders merely hung on, threatening in theory, until the final drive. Now? Uf. The Big Boy Round beckons, and Imma get presumptuous and declare that none of the fans

Live, from the First World! New Year’s Eve Eve Open Thread

In the Caribbean, at a dinner table littered with work papers, sits something in a dark blue suit. He would be handsome, if not for the Steve Bannon hair and figure. He is doodling happy faces, with dollar-sign eyes and tongue, around the phrase “Statehood for Puerto Rico NOW!”--and is

A Weather So Cold It Would Stare At You And Wave “Go” With Its Hand: Tuesday Open Thread

I spent most of last week until yesterday in the United States and got to experience cold weather AND daylight savings time in the flesh. As I now sit at home shirtless with the fan on, I can say in good faith: I Feel Ya I will never complain again about NFL games starting

Where’s The Love?! – Titans 2021 Preview

Everybody loves scoring: players, gamblers, singles, spouses, addicts, etc. NFL fans are no different. Every football fan wants to root for an offense that feasts on opponents as ravenously as the Taliban over U.S. military equipment. Point is: the Titans deserve more prime time games because But TVs continue to show

Pointers for The Apocalypse – Monday Open Thread

The NFL starts in ten days, while we’re still in the homestretch of hurricane season. I saw no NFL items of note, while Ida struck Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane, destroying the electrical grid. Having once gone four months without electricity at home, and several weeks without water service,

Losing the Anxiety – Monday Open Thread

We’re halfway through the preseason. Not really; that’s a soothing miscalculation because there’s two more preseason games. But I can lie to myself like that noooo problem. And yet it’s true: the season will get here soon, and the games are fine as a nothing better to do. Not enough to