I’m peeved. Despicable Stan assembled a team of mercenaries and their triumph leaves an indelible mark on history. But enough about the Marvel cinematic universe. Although Aaron Donald would’ve been perfect for The Intelligent Hulk. God damn; what a player. NFL NEWS No games until [sigh] September. Yeah, I’m bummed alright. Although, gotta say: this was
Author: Don T
Reality Beckons: Pre-Offseason Monday Open Thread
Pro fitbaw ends in two weeks, after an incredible Divisional round and absorbing Championship games. This climaxing ascent ends in a freefall into nothing, and I mean , leaving one hungry and forlorn. Like when two souls find love, but separate forever after one night of cavorting, flirting, and filth. This
Playoff Overtime Rules – Monday Open Thread
A 1,000% Rational Titans Bye Report (2021 Playoffs)
We’re into the meaty portion of the 2021 postseason, and what an occasion for NFL calendar pedantry (2022 starts after the Superb Owl), and also crowing about the Tennessee Titans Tits of Titanium being the AFC’s #1 seed. Ok. In reconsideration, more score-settling than crowing. A. During Weeks 7-17, everyone gave mad love
Getting Antsy – Thursday Nite Open Thread
Live, from the First World! New Year’s Eve Eve Open Thread
A Weather So Cold It Would Stare At You And Wave “Go” With Its Hand: Tuesday Open Thread
Where’s The Love?! – Titans 2021 Preview
Everybody loves scoring: players, gamblers, singles, spouses, addicts, etc. NFL fans are no different. Every football fan wants to root for an offense that feasts on opponents as ravenously as the Taliban over U.S. military equipment. Point is: the Titans deserve more prime time games because But TVs continue to show
Blessed Are The Meek – Labor Day Open Thread
Today is Labor Day, when U.S. workers are celebrated without the commie brainwashing of May Day. Union types are urged to forgo meetings and picketing, and just take a load off--like it were any normal workday. Big Bidness folks grope and spit on overtime laws, while small businessfolks debate whether