Define opulent. Hey, what's that kid doing to that chicken? Only one goal today. Jump in the Honda and traverse the downtown Los Angels freeways on a mid Tuesday morning. If all goes well headed back home before 1:00. Famous last words. You ever drive the 110 North to downtown? The mania burns fierce and


Tell me you don't see the very face of evil in that stonewall, please tell me you don't see it! A quick jaunt aside. I don't know how I write. You call that shite writin? I usually smoke a bowl and drink a beer or seven then lean over a keypad and see


HERE THERE BE GHOSTS   Where are we going? Oh yeah,Hollywood Forever. Fun. Is that Merle Oberon? If you can't see the ghost over Johnny's right shoulder then you and I are on a different journey. It was a cool place. Legendary for it's creepiness. Hell the band, The Misfits did a live shindig right in


 When and how boredom sets in is still a bit of a hermetical mystery, but by god the weeks before football truly dies, (think the Owl) I find usually no later than Wednesday during the bye week the lethargy really starts to soil the mind and degrade the spirit. You

Become Revolutionary: Be Decent

Donald Trump is a proven liar, fraudster, sex assaulter, top-secrets divulger, and is likely a foreign agent. This declining and feckless creep cares about nothing but his money. I’d offer my condolences to U.S. citizens, but 47 is the president of Puerto Rico too. And we don’t get to vote

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: “So, how was Boston, Senor?”

It was nice, thanks for asking. As much as one would say that there's nothing like getting dressed up to get drunk (specifically, Hermana Weaselo and one of my coworkers), it's also nice to be at an event that has no alcohol in it altogether, and the roast beef tea

KBF 24 and Sunday night open thread.

Ever pee yourself? I have, and? I wasn't even drunk. There are two kinds of people in the world, First there are riders.Those who can't wait to quench their beastly lust for steely dangerous speed and second, those who look into the sky and say, there is no way that you could force

Boots on the Brickyard! Indy after dark.

Good morning everyone! We're taking a break from the traditional Sunday Gravy to bring you a very special Boots on the Ground episode. A couple of weeks ago, I made what turned out to be one of the more monumental trips of my life. I went to Indianapolis for the total solar eclipse! I

And God Said “Hi.”

There is nothing that can make me leave this house ever again, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! “What? Who’s coming to town”? “Laurie Anderson?” “No way! Here?" “Orpheum Theater downtown Los Angeles.”  DAMN FINE SHOT “I haven’t been outside this house in five years but just that name alone changes all thought processes. A chance to see God, live

“IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLL….” – When Smackdown Comes to Town

Hi everyone, It's your old pal Beerguy with another one of his tales of wonderment & whimsy. Now, it's no secret that I enjoy the professional graps. When I was a kid & my mom had to work on the weekend, my dad thought nothing of driving me across town and dumping