Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: The Weasel and the Spinning Wheel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY0eeotSDi8 I promise I did not crash again, either in the Snowmageddonpocalypse that didn't drop any snow on the city (just north, like the snow game we saw in Foxboro) or the intense winds last night. No, this is to make fun of my… pottery skills! Or lack thereof, since I had

Boots on the Ground: Porto Portugal! Final chapter, Portugal The Food

I've already shared with you the francesinha from my first day in Porto. Before. With proper gravy application. And the detritus afterwards. For the public record, the beer you see in the photos "Super Bock" is a goddamn keeper. That shit is delicious and always served cold and frosty. Hell a man could drink that

Ballsy’s Cocktail of the Week: Filling in the Mexican Way…

As y'all may know, Sharky is out in our nation's Island State enjoying the sunshine, ocean, and resort drinks. While he's out there living life right with the Shark Clan, I thought I would step in with a Mexican drink you may or may not have heard of. It's easily

Boots on the Ground, Porto Portugal Part 2. Porto in Pictorial Form.

This time around it made sense to show you the visuals from this incredible place. And visuals you shall have.The weather was mostly gorgeous with a day or so of rain in the mix but the rain added a nice moody almost goth-like atmosphere. Some of the locations really stood out

Boots on the Ground! Porto Portugal. Part 1; Getting There

It's no surprise to any of you regarding my ambition to become an expat and retire overseas. I have made ZERO effort to keep that a secret. Also as many of you know, given the incentives and the ease of acquiring a visa, Portugal was very high on my list of possible

Your Boots on the Grounds! Thursday Night Open Thread

Happy Thursday! I'm tired, you're tired, it's hot out, let's skip the preamble and get on with it. I did NOT go to the All Star Game this week, mainly because I didn't care about it (or frankly remember that it was happening/happened until Weaselo's mention in last night's open thread). 

Oh Boy! Rotational Thursdays with Litre!

Hey there. At the moment that this is posted I will be in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Thai food? Phenomenal.  **Note I was quite inebriated when I originally wrote this so it really bounces around a bit. BUT I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS!**   So, I was stoned, and I decided to throw out a

Oh Boy. Late night Skyline Chili with litre & BC Dick

Good evening. Here's the background to this tasting. You may be aware that in the past during the offseason I used to do an international snaxx post where I would get high and go to international grocery stores for stoner food. Well, I once mentioned that I would enjoy trying Skyline

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Senor’s Spring Break Update

Well last week was fun. I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRh2MB8fuXs I'd say all in all, fun was had by most, and it's just how I drew it up, a multi-goal game from Tyler Motte. The bridge level at the Garden is a really good vantage