You gots gots to git it! (also Happy Alcoholism Evening, if y'all happen to be Irish and not yet passed out) 12W New Mexico State (+6.5) v. 5W UConn (6:50, TNT) This is where we hope the Fightin' Horatios make their name sake happy drink instead of angry drink. Either way, there will
Game Preview
2022 Post-Plague Madness – Thursday Session the First
Hey howdy, imaginary friend-erinos! Have you enjoyed the last few weeks of sportsball respite? FUCK NO, YOU DIDN'T. Neither did Hippo. And especially not Other Hippo obvs. Let's look into the first orgy of basketballing matchups, shall we? (also Happy Alcoholism Day, if y'all happen to be Irish) 11S Michigan (-2.5) v. 6S Colorado
AFL Beat! AFLW Finals and AFL previews!
Nighttime Conference Tourney Thread-erino
The Lesser Footy was...less than engaging. As such, I didn't really learn anything. Let's talk about conference tournament finals instead: Texas Tech (+2) v. Kansas (6:00, ESPN) I don't really watch regular season (other than Wolven Sort shitshow performance art), but the talking heads have been on and on regarding how great
Spring Sort of Sprung – Saturday Open Thread
Much to my surprise, the assdick MLB ownership cabal finally made a reasonable offer and we'll have el beisbol after all. Hooray, I guess? I mostly ignored it last season, and suspect I will again. Aside from making many, many of my patented #BFIB taeks/jokes. It's also tournament time, making college
Solidarity Saturday
As Frank Lampard's Everton prepare for their Man City skullfucking, I am heartened that the above-pictured banner (featuring our Ukrainian left back) will fly at Goodison. Daddy Vladdy is a boil on humanity's ass, that needs lancing. Your move, Russian plutocrats. Pariah statehood not great for the bottom line. As distasteful as
Sunday EPL/Owl Prediciones Thread
Again, I apologize for not crapping out a Saturday nighter. As partial recompense, here is a morning one. Spurs/Wolves is the best of the three 9:00 offerings (all action on Peacock), with European qualification meaning for each club. Until midweek, Wolves had been flying shit-hot. Spurs, on the other hand, have
The Day Before The Owl 2022 Open Thread
Into the Wild Weekend of Nothingness
Good morning, fellow inmates of the imaginary asylum! We come back from a week off for the Prem, and there's ONE match. And it's Burnley/Watford (1p, Peacock). BLECH. But lo, we have a shit ton of FA Cup ties. The patented magic started last night, with Boro taking out Men Untied, after
JV Shempionship Means MOAR Open Thread
A Sunday Night Win/Draw and IN Thread
That's right. Tonight could be the greatest night of our lives. It is in the interest of Les Clippers du Merde and That's Rikki's Raiders to do nothing but take knees tonight. A draw gets both into the playoffs. And people's heads would goddamned explode at the audacity. Look, George Carlin basically raised me