We are once again BACK to recapping the best comments of the week! As a reminder, this post will cover comments made up to and through the Saturday Night Open Thread. Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post. *** DFO Comments O' The Week! Hippo: “DREW LOCK
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Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXVIII
Your MAF (Monday Afternoon Football) Open thread
Your December 5th, 2020 Lesser Footy Open Thread
Hello everyone! It's Lesser Footy Saturday and there are some good matches on today. But before we get to that, here to make an emotional appeal to you about stopping the Premier league until further notice, it's Liverpool fan, Thomas from Roe Alley. Thomas: This is Thomas from Roe Jigger, Der pewl. Some
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXVII
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXVI
Crazy Jane Presents: The Miami Dolphins after the Bye
AFL Beat 2020 Season Grand Final Recap
Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXV
Let’s Get Positive! Starring, the NFL
Back in the XX Century, university class schedules converted Thursdays into Drinking Days. They’ve been that way ever since, confirmed by Friday hangovers. Recently, Wednesdays became Positive Days, thanks to tWBS’s ”Wednesday Motivational”. Man I miss that guy. /presses Play /crushes the Mute button Lately it’s been suckier than a Jets late afternoon
AFL Beat 2020 Season Preliminary Finals Recap
This week... We have the Grand Final Matchup! Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! Holy shit my team is in the Grand Final!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!! Here are your recaps: Port Adelaide Power 40 v Richmond Tigers 46 at Adelaide Oval As I predicted, it went down to the last two minutes: Here are the full-game highlights: Brisbane