City Councilman: All right, this has been a full day of hearing public testimony on the issue of the proposed new stadium, and I think we have our last citizen. If you could please step up to the mic, mister... BOLTMAN! [pounds chest, a brief snippet of the 'San Diego Super
Human Interest: Local Man Identifies As On Fire
Human Interest is an occasional series of stories investigating the whimsical side of our rich and diverse community. News 7 Reporter Sandra Santos: Turn on your television, tune in on your radio, and chances are these days you'll hear people talking about identity. But for one man -- local small appliance repairman
More characters from “The Room” seek advice
Wait, Is Johnny Really Dead????
Wait, this first story seems very familiar. This story is TEARING ME APART. Dear Amy: I have a serious problem with my future wife. She has not been faithful to me. I recently overheard her talking to her friend about how she was unfaithful to me. When I confronted her, all that she
NSA Telephone Transcript #14B688UC11
Sunday Gravy with yeah right. Das Ist Gut!
True Detective, Episode One Thoughts (Episode Two Tonight)
The Devil’s Advo-CAT
[INT. OFFICE, DAYTIME] TONY DUNGY: [reading newspaper] Blasphemy! Sacrilege! This shall not stand! [DOOR FLIES OPEN] JAY CUTLER: [groans] Oh Jesus. I should have known. TONY: Jay, thank you for coming. Have a seat. JAY: Goodell made me. Said I had to come here and do an interview or he'd fine me. TONY: As you know,
Quickie: A Special Message to Packers Shareholders
Meeting the Neighbours
I couldn't resist adding one more post about Canada. Trevor introduced me to some funny Youtube videos done by friends of his that are soon to be turned into a show. They're pretty fucking funny. I think the Hockey Players one is my favorite. Enjoy! Yeah, I couldn't understand a bunch