A 1,000% Rational Titans Bye Report (2021 Playoffs)

We’re into the meaty portion of the 2021 postseason, and what an occasion for NFL calendar pedantry (2022 starts after the Superb Owl), and also crowing about the Tennessee Titans Tits of Titanium being the AFC’s #1 seed. Ok. In reconsideration, more score-settling than crowing. A. During Weeks 7-17, everyone gave mad love

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. So we made it past blue Monday. Yay This is one of

Mini-Hippo Wild Card Thoughts

Good morning, fellow dick joke enthusiasts.  You may have noticed that Super-Duper-Mega Wild Card Bitches! weekend began yesterday.  Two FITBAW games on the docket - well, one game and one brutal skullfucking. That's Rikki's Raiders! met up with Team WKRP in what was, despite the shambolic officiating, an excellent game.  A

Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 18, 2021 Season.

Yes, Mr. Potamus gets bumped this week.  Because 2021 season playoff history will be HER-story too! Damn, was that ever some valiant shit, or what?  The Tomsulas were deader than ded.  Like, bottom of the ocean with cement shoes dead.  17-nil down, on the road (to a team with plenty to play

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. Happy New Year. I'm never sure how long it's okay to

Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 17, 2021 Season

There were too many fixtures crammed into this singular day.  I liked the spreading out.  So many #WhitePplProblems up in this muthafucka. Look, I am not a doctor - or a Doktor - but as a Son of the South, ah noes my Antonio Brown diagnosis - nuttier than a shithouse rat.  We

Live, from the First World! New Year’s Eve Eve Open Thread

In the Caribbean, at a dinner table littered with work papers, sits something in a dark blue suit. He would be handsome, if not for the Steve Bannon hair and figure. He is doodling happy faces, with dollar-sign eyes and tongue, around the phrase “Statehood for Puerto Rico NOW!”--and is

Instant Hippo Thoughts – Week 16, 2021 Season

I hope everyone enjoyed their time with family this weekend.  And by family, of course I mean FITBAW! If we learned nothing else in 2021 (and we mostly didn't), it's this - don't go pissing Joe Burrow off.  Balmer was down to its third string QB, but Josh Johnson played fairly well. 

Boxing Day Mini-Hippo Thoughts

I am annoyed with Lesser Footy, but there are a handful of watchable "Festive Fixtures"  10:00 brings City/Leicester (Peacock), Spurs/Palace (USA), and Saints/Hammers (NBCSN).  The rest conflict with RedZone time, so they can fuck right off.  Three ties are #TransformerNuAIDS-postponed. More importantly, we had two meaningful NFL games on Christmas Day.