Your Thursday Night Looks-Like-We-Take-Beerguy-Rob-For-Granted Live Thread

Whoopsie-doodle. Looks like no one volunteered for tonight, so here's a quarter-assed fill-in right quick. I spent today driving wifey to work, various doctor's appointments, picking the wifey back up, filling new prescriptions, getting a much needed haircut, installing my parents' third printer since September (seriously, guys?!), picking up said scripts, and

Not Even Daddy (TWSS) Yet Blues

Alright, you cockstains, I’m looking for some help. As all are most likely aware, I’m about to be a dad for the first time. I am fucking terrified, as I’m sure you other parents were the first time (PHRASING) were, when the realization finally hit home that you’re about to

Sexy Friday Rooney Rules!

As you may or may not have heard, Roger Goodell announced the introduction of a new "Rooney Rule" specifically aimed at increasing the number of women working in the NFL.  While this, by itself, is a worthy cause and aids in the fight for gender equality, the NFL, as usual,

Superbowl #Content from Ben Blank, Uproxx Chief Creative Officer

I'm not here to talk about that thing that's happening over the weekend. I'm here to talk about #content and #branding! That's what we're really  interested in. People love #content, and they love #brands! Are you #upforwhatever? Here at Uproxx, we sure are! Whatever the cost, whatever it takes! Readers don't