"Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe
Tag: i have nothing of substance to say
Your “Happy Groundhog Day” Thursday Night Open Thread
Monday Morning Mock Draft: Words Fail
Your ‘Eh What The Haal’ Sunday Morning Open Thread
Mittwoch Holiday Week What The Crap Else Are You Doing This Week Thread
Welcome reprobates, degenerates, and occasional nice people. It's that weird middle-of-the-week day in between Christmas and New Year's, and this year it happens to ba Wednesday for Peak Weirdness. Kids don't have school, and most people I know who have actual job-type-job take this week off, too. Where does that