Whelp, the NFL Head Coaching Carousel appears to have come to a screeching halt with Kyle Shanahan's coronation as 49er's head "coach". Unless, of course, Jim Irsay reawakens from one of his quaalude-induced power naps and drops the hammer on Chuck Pagano. So: who is going to be the albatross around
Tag: Reverend Mayhem
CrimeBeat!: Whistling Past the Graveyard Edition
Free Ballin’ Football Podcast: Superb Owl Edition
[Editor's Note: Bill from Free Ballin' asked for a guest bloggy-post to introduce this week's episode, and he handed over the keys to Reverend Mayhem. God help them.] [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/305690620" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /] Men. MEN! It's the last week of the season! Normally, this is a time for us to
Celebrity Superb Owl Picks: Sean Spicer
COWARDLY MEDIA WHORE TRADING JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY FOR ACCESS: Good evening, and welcome to CNN. Tonight, we turn to a somewhat lighter topic than normal: picking the winner of the upcoming Super Bowl. With us tonight is professional faux-liberal doormat Alan Colmes... COLMES: Thank you. I'm just so happy to be... WHORE: And
End Times
And they worshiped the Beast, saying, "Who is like unto the Beast? Who can make war with him?" -Revelations 13:4
CrimeBeat!: Giving Up the Gun Edition
[Note From The "Author": pursuant to a number of comments across multiple posts, CrimeBeat! will officially be a politics-free zone until things calm the fuck down. I trust that you are all (mostly) intelligent adults who understand the responsibility to keep yourselves informed and participate in the political process. I
CrimeBeat!: Guess Who’s Rewatching Archer Edition
Oh men. MEN! Like fetuses (feti?) experiencing the uncomprehending trauma and struggle of their own nativity, we have been pushed and squeezed and squished until we passed through the birth canal of the regular season and emerged, cold and slimy, into the pitiless bright light of the playoffs. And like
Rogue 23: A Skol Wars Story
The Banshee Screams For Buffalo Meat
Meanwhile, At The BirdMurderDome…
[EXTERIOR, Minneapolis] [Six bedraggled figures, backs stooped and all but one swathed in many layers of mismatched clothing , huddle in a doorway to try to avoid the worst of the bone-cracking wind. As the camera zooms in, it becomes clear that it is a family, with two adults and four
CrimeBeat! Triumphant Return Edition
Oh men. MEN! I apologize, from the deepest cockles of my heart, for the no-doubt-emotionally-devastating wasteland that your lives have been during the prolonged hiatus of CrimeBeat! But fear not, sinners, for the Right Reverend is here to give you succor. (Note: sorry for the format- doing this from my phone
Better Know a Deity: Shan’Khor
It's time for another installment of Better Know a Deity. Sure, we all know the big names in the football pantheon like BLEERGH, BOLTMAN! and Al Davis' Revified Corpse. But sometimes a lesser-known god or goddess comes to the fore. (H/t to Thursday Sky Goddess). Name: Shan'Khor Nicknames: “the Merciless"; "Shankopotamus" (not