Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 110)

The scene: The future, where Horatio Cornblower, Moosemas Gorilla, Otto and PK are currently wandering through the Wasteland after escaping from the cops. PK: Gee, it sure is hot out here. Otto’s Brain: We know. PK: Do you think maybe we’ll run into a Starbuck’s? I could really use a double-whip frappuccino. Horatio

Your “Everything’s About Charlotte These Days” Thursday Evening Open Thread

NFL News: The NFL is saying the virtual period for offseason work will extend until June 26. Teams can decide whether to end their virtual routines this Friday, or extend the two weeks. Minicamps are still prohibited. There is also speculation that the NFL might follow the XFL's lead &

Your “Happy Bill & Ted Day” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL News: Apparently, Todd Gurley passed his physical with the Falcons. He signed with them a couple of months back, but had to wait until this week to take his tests due to Corona restrictions. It is a one-year contract that includes a $2 million signing bonus, $3.5 million fully

AFL Beat 2020 Season Re-Start

This week... We play games again! Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! This is the week we've all been waiting for.  Finally, the 2020 AFL season is re-starting!  Here is this week's schedule (Please remember that all times are Pacific): Round Two Thursday, June 11, 2020 2:40 AM - Collingwood Magpies v Richmond Tigers -

Your MXC Monday Evening Open Thread

NFL Nuggets: The League has issued guidelines for how players may return to team facilities. The guidelines, all nine pages in pdf form here for your edification, breaks down the different components of players & teams and how they have to monitor: access, physical distancing, facility and equipment cleaning and

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Well we grabbed all those beans and rice?

Good morning everyone, I'm literally going to stop asking what could possibly happen next because no doubt the universe will fucking show us. On a very positive note, this happened last Sunday right in front of the right house as I was preparing this meal. That was a very peaceful gathering of protesters.