2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview: NYE Weekend


So, the Bowl matchups for what King Hippo affectionately calls JV Footy came out and I was perusing them and had some thoughts. Ergo Ipso Factum Testiculum, here we are. There are a grand total of 44 (FORTY FOUR!) bowl games this year, so I am breaking them into pieces

First Covid-delayed game Open Thread

Today there's BONUS football! It's the Cleveland Browns visiting the Las Vegas Raiders at the Al Davis Memorial Mausoleum! With Jim Harbaugh shitting the bed yesterday (Yes, I still think he made a bad decision), the Browns have a chance to create a 3-way tie with the Ravens and the

2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview – The First Week.


So, the Bowl matchups for what King Hippo affectionately calls JV Footy came out and I was perusing them and had some thoughts. Ergo Ipso Factum Testiculum, here we are. There are a grand total of 44 (FORTY FOUR!) bowl games this year, so I am breaking them into pieces

The 2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview! – The First Weekend


I like alliteration, alright? Assonance also. So, the Bowl matchups for what King Hippo affectionately calls JV Footy came out last Sunday and I was perusing them and had some thoughts. Ergo Ipso Factum Testiculum, here we are. There are a grand total of 44 (FORTY FOUR!) bowl games this

ALL HAIL Northern Illinois! JV Shempionship Evening Thread

Oh my cats.  They really, really did it!  Northern Illinois' 700 pound coach and his JV charges redeemed their only single-digit MAC loss (they were 6-1 in such contests), cashing in Hippo's September prop bet.  $20 at 250 to 1, which is $5K for the maths non-inclined.  Nobody told you there

JV Shempionship Day! and Other Lesser Matters

Yes, I will still half-assedly talk of teh futbol.  But we have some mouthwatering title matches, with $7,000 in September Prop Bet Possibilities for Hippo.  C'mon Team Secular Big Love State and Northern Illinois!  Make Hippo feel not-head-in-oven-y for a few days!! Hammers/Chelsea is worth waking up for.  And you'll have

Holiday Weekend Becomes Regular Weekend Lesser Footy and JV Stuff

Anyone else come to the title's realization, and get pre-depressed?  Just me, then.  And Everton hasn't even lost (again) yet. We start early with Gooners and Barcodes (7:30, NBCSN).  One hopes Handsome Mikel takes out some frustrations in this one, as the visitors cosplay as murderous shieks.  FUN TIMES! You're going to