What a cracker between City and Arsenal to start 2022. City are basically the Roll Damn Tide of the EPL. They just keep coming, and coming, until the dam breaks. And it ALWAYS eventually breaks. Like Bama denying the likes of Notre Dame, I am satisfied to have a team who
Game Preview
Lesser USA (Starting) Today
2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview: NYE Weekend
Holy C*ckweasels, We Actually Have Football! Tuesday Open Thread
Well well well. Looks like another year of foul deeds and grotesque habits have slid under Santa's radar, because we've gotten an early Christmas present. Thanks to the magic of rampant COVID-19, there are TWO genuine NFL games on this fine Tuesday evening. "But Reverend," I hear you say, "I thought
2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview: The Second Week
First Covid-delayed game Open Thread
2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview – The First Week.
The 2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview! – The First Weekend
ALL HAIL Northern Illinois! JV Shempionship Evening Thread
JV Shempionship Day! and Other Lesser Matters
Yes, I will still half-assedly talk of teh futbol. But we have some mouthwatering title matches, with $7,000 in September Prop Bet Possibilities for Hippo. C'mon Team Secular Big Love State and Northern Illinois! Make Hippo feel not-head-in-oven-y for a few days!! Hammers/Chelsea is worth waking up for. And you'll have
27 November Nighty-Night JV Thread
Holiday Weekend Becomes Regular Weekend Lesser Footy and JV Stuff
Anyone else come to the title's realization, and get pre-depressed? Just me, then. And Everton hasn't even lost (again) yet. We start early with Gooners and Barcodes (7:30, NBCSN). One hopes Handsome Mikel takes out some frustrations in this one, as the visitors cosplay as murderous shieks. FUN TIMES! You're going to