Round Four: Your Packers/Eagles Open Thread

Here we go again. To The Game! Packers/Eagles: -Love has been removed from the injury report. (an elbow ouchie, "It still hurts when I throw") Speaking of Hurts, (status: concussed) word has it that a 'specialist' was flown in from the Dolphins medical staff and voila, he's ready and raring to go! -So the bad

Round Two: Steelers/Ravens (Voodoo Edition)

Wasn't that last tilt a keeper? (writing this at noon EST) They don't get much better than that! And the ending-I did not see that coming. Onward. To The Game! Steelers/Ravens: Flowers For None: Zay has been ruled out of the game. Ordinarily I'd think that a receiving corps whose best wr is Rashod

Sexy Friday – 20250110

TGIF! Half the country is burning, the other freezing, and I'm stuck here with only clouds and rain.  *pokes Mt. Rainer* Do something! Survival - Personal Edition Let's talk about champagne. Specifically, opening a bottle of said champagne. First lesson, don't do this: That's wasting champagne and removing the carbonation from what's left.

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Nocturnes Magazine, Vol. 1 Issue 1: The (Slightly Belated, Shhh) Inaugural Season Preview

Okay, what in the crap is this? This is Nocturnes Magazine, a look into the Brooklyn Nocturnes. Okay… that doesn't help me. Who are the Brooklyn Nocturnes and what do they do? Remember the diceball I mentioned? Well, I'm going to use a monthly Wumbo column to write in more detail because it got

Round Two-An Open Thread

Things get very tense in this here slate. The games? Sure. But we'll get to Geno Smith eventually. To The Games! Chiefs/Broncos: Redshirt of all folks knows what the score is here. Denver gets the advantage of home and their starters actually playing. Kansas City gets the advantage of always, always winning squeakers. Chargers/Raiders: Vegas