TGISF… Let’s Get Dolled Up Tonight!!!!

It's been "interesting" around DFO this week.  Now that we're transitioning into the offseason, everyone seems like they're in a rather weird mood. King Hippo  was a little pissed off earlier this week, as were a lot of us.  Though our resident Iggles and P*ts fans (you jerks know who you

Goddess II – Prologue

Last Season, on the Goddess Chronicles....   balls leans in to look at the dashboard of this new girl’s car, just as tWBS has asked.  He’s already annoyed at tWBS, and LCSS too.  At this point he just wants to go home.  Then he sees it.  The small piece of rock tWBS

Your “Whose Bright Idea Was It To Leave tWBS In Charge?” Saturday Evening Open Thread

BeerGuyRob's.  That's who (Whose?  Whom?  Whut?). Yep, BeerBoyBobby is a selfish bastard.  He decided he'd rather pawn off his responsibilities tonight.  Just to go watch wrasslin'. I mean whut's up with this, Canadia????? But OK.  Fine.  I get it.  Trim and fit bodies in tights.  And a little sweaty.  And slapping up against

TGISF… Well I Guess That’s Music, Allegedly – #1

It's Been A While, Eh? Greetings and salutations, perverts.  Haven't seen you since last year FFS.  Miss me yet?  Yeah, I thought not.  But if you've been reading along faithfully on Fridays recently, then you already know I stepped away from the controls here for the past few weeks. First and foremost,

Balls and tWBS: At The Movies V

tWBS:  So here we are again.  It's gonna be tough to top last time, ya know. Balls:  Shut the fuck up, Donny!!! tWBS:  You really like saying that, huh? Balls:  Hehehehe....yes. tWBS:  OK, so what should we do this time? Balls:  Duh.... tWBS:  Shit. Balls:  What? tWBS:  It's just been a while since I've seen that one.  And

FISHNET: A BoTG Investigation

Author's Note:  I watched a lot of TV when I was a kid.  One of my favorites was old reruns of Dragnet.  For me, Jack Webb's vocal mannerisms as the Joe Friday character are classic, and sometimes even now, that just comes out.  That's what happened here when I sat

Balls and tWBS: At The Movies IV

tWBS:  So, do you think the DFOers are getting tired of this quasi movie review thingy we're trying to force upon them yet? Balls:  Probably.  But do we care? tWBS:  A little I guess.  I just don't want them to end up... Balls:  SHUT THE FUCK UP, DONNY!!!! tWBS:  Well that wasn't very nice. Balls: 

Your “Imma Need To Be Drunk For This One” Saturday Evening Open Thread

Yeah, so what if we say that every night? It doesn't make it not true, does it?  Does it????? DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!!!!!! - First Some Business Many thanks to BallsofSteelandFury  for subbing in for me for TGISF last night.  I need(ed) a break from it for various reasons.  None of which matter to anyone

Balls and tWBS: At The Movies III

BallsofSteelandFury:  We're back! Some of you may say,  "Like herpes!" and you're only partially correct. This time,  we are tackling a film that,  truthfully,  should have won an Oscar.  Nay,  a Nobel. TWBS: Aren't you overselling it? Balls: No,  shut up. TWBS: Aren't you worried we're going to lose them? Balls: This is our third

Your “Even Moar Saturday NFL? Thanks Santa!!” Saturday Evening Open Thread

Santa is still slacking off in most ways I see.... Can't blame him, though.  He's got a big day tomorrow.  He deserves a little relaxation today. But at least he gave us the early gift of not just one, but TWO Saturday Varsity Footy match ups today/tonight. Earlier today, my Ratbirds shamed/got shamed

TGISF…AKA “Time To Fill That Sack Ya Fat B*st*rd” Sexy Friday Open Thread

No, that's not what I meant!!!  Get your head in the game!!! But I also can't fault ya on that one.  One must play to their strengths. Obligatory: - Well, it's Christmas again Almost, anyway. And as I've often told people, in spite of the fact that I'm a godless heathen; and in spite of all

Balls and tWBS: At The Movies II

  tWBS:  OK, so the last time we did this, for Men at Work , we had a short-lived disagreement about who was Carl and who was James.  Remember? balls:  How could I not?  But we ended up agreeing that you're more of the troublemaker if I recall? tWBS:  OK, let's not rehash