Hey. We've reached the end of the Fantasy Football season. For some, it's time to pop some bottles and celebrate! For others, it's a time of reflection and contemplation while drowning your sorrows in alcohol and also planning for next seaon's draft. #RiseAndGrind #NoDaysOff #ThatBigBoardWontArrangeItself Anyway. Let's get to it. Freezer Vodka League Champion:
DFOing Good
Subsequent GTD reflections
25 Questions About…
BUTT PILLOWS. YES, THEY ARE! Allow me to explain and/or provide some context. Zymm, of all people, posted the image below: Screenshot_20241228-160857~2.png I was, naturally, curious. I looked up the Buttress Pillow website and went down a rabbit hole that allowed me to miss the bulk of the Saturday games. I posted some