Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Just, Ugh

I was going to do a whole thing that was basically the beginning portion of The Beatles's "A Day in the Life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usNsCeOV4GM and then decided "meh, not in the mood to talk about all the domestic violence that's going on." Seriously, what in the actual fuck people? Yes, I'm looking at

Post Self-Justification Lesser Footy Thread

Every January, to my great discomfort, I am summoned to justify my continued existence within the law firm.  It's like somebody decided, "hey, we don't think Hippo focuses enough on his self-hatred and feelings of personal and professional failure - let's stare at him and make him do a little

Your 2021* BattleBots Beaties! (Sponsored by Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo)

Hey, as long as they come out before I start writing about new season, I'll take it. So, you know, just in the nick of time. Hey, there weren't Giant Washer awards this year because my non-Mexican union equivalent Dracophile (of BattleBots Update) was apparently *checks notes* donating his time

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Recovering from Gigsmas

…Kinda, he said while on a gig at press time. Here was my schedule from Christmas Day to New Year's Day. 12/25: Christmas Mass in the morning (in New Jersey), rehearsal for a show in the afternoon (in Brooklyn)12/26: Said show12/27: Gig12/28: Taught two students. This was my obvious light day.12/29: