Sexy Friday, Super Bowl Bye Week edition

There is only one game left. And it's not this weekend. They named a Pro Bowl team but did not have a Pro Bowl game which is another one of the hidden blessings that the pandemic has brought. I'm actually serious about that. There were many good things that came

Your Tuesday Internet Talk Open Thread – 20210126

Game Time Decision has gracefully offered to take up the weekly comment recap posts that I used to do in Eventual Balls Thoughts! In exchange, and in light of the fact that Temptation Island is returning in February and will be airing on Tuesday nights, I will be taking

Subsequent GTD reflections

So, good news and bad news.  First is that we're still going to have a weekly recap of the bestestestest comments by you fine folk.  The bad news is that the new authoUr of this series is GTD and his warped sense of, well, everything will be pickering the comments. 

Tuesday nights open threads

What up all? As always, I hope you're as well as can be considering all the shit going on in the world these days.  I try to stay away from politics, but only one more sleep until there's a new president, so that's a plus, i think. I'm hoping it's

Sexy Friday, Divisional Round edition

This is the weekend that Cinderella stories go to die. Traditionally. We'll see if this weekend is any different. Here is the schedule (all times Eastern) Congratulations to Doktor Zymm for guessing last week's hidden theme of songs performed by Shawn and Gus on Psych! For those of you prudes

Random Tuesday in January open thread

Hey all, I hope you're well or well as can be considering all the shit that going on ( pandemic, politics, vaccine roll out, whatever).  In my corner of the world, it was announced today that as of 12:01 AM Thursday that the province of Ontario is under "stay-at-home" orders.  Which

Sexy Friday, Wild Card Bitches! edition

Yes, it's THAT weekend! You can already see that 2021 will be a LOT better than 2020 because we have ourselves 6 (SIX!) Wild Card games this weekend! And there are some very tasty matchups, as you can see below: Saturday 10:00 AM Pacific - Team Nipple at Team DickSaturday 1:40 PM Pacific

It’s only Tuesday open thread?

Hey all, hope you're well and sticking to whatever resolutions you made.  I plan to start to eat less crap and just less in general.  We also started a new budgeting thingy, so want to continue with that as well, with the hopes of someday retiring with moar than a