Goddess II – Episode 7

Previously, on Goddess II.... [Red Square Bar, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Approximately Midnight] Balls (to Vanessa):  See?  I knew we’d find them here. tWBS (to Leticia):  See?  I knew they’d find us here. Leticia:  Unbelievable. tWBS (turns to Balls):  We’ve been looking for your asses all night.  So where’s the case?  You said you

Goddess II – Episode 6

[Sky View Suite, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, 11:09pm] When the elevator doors open, Balls and Vanessa lead their entourage inside. Balls (to the crowd while turning on the music):  OK Folks...  Try not to break anything.  Bedrooms are off limits.  Otherwise, make yourselves at home and enjoy yourselves.  There's beer and

Goddess II – Episode 5

[Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Early Evening, Elevator, Going Down] (giggity) Leticia:  So where did they go? tWBS:  No idea.  The note only said they still wanted to party and were going to try to double the money. Leticia:  I thought you didn't care about the money. tWBS (becoming increasingly irritated):  I don't  care

Goddess II – Episode 4

[Sky View Suite, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Dusk] When the elevator doors open..... tWBS:  Holee... Leticia:  ...Shit. balls (giggling):  Hee hee.  Told ya. Leticia:  da Fuq????? Vanessa:  Right????? balls:  Welcome to the Sky View Suite.  Thanks to Leticia and Vanessa spotting that Old Bag's bullshit, we're comped.  Let's get crunk. tWBS:  You guys go ahead.  Imma hit

DFO University – Introduction to Alcohol 101

Good afternoon students, I'm your professor - Dr. Robert Beer-Guy. Welcome to our classroom, the Prohibition Bar at the Rosewood Hotel Georgia. My regular attendance in this establishment makes it the perfect setting for our studies. Please take an available seat. Since people these days think all intellectuals are FAKE NEWS,

Goddess II – Episode 3

[Mandalay Bay Poker Room, Almost Two Hours Later] The tournament has whittled its way down to only three.  balls, tWBS and yes...the OBfP.  But OBfP's stack of chips has dwindled over the past few hands and she's becoming desperate.  The dealer shuffles and begins dealing the next hand. Just then, tWBS feels

Goddess II – Episode 2

[Sedona, Arizona, The Following Morning] Leticia (banging on bathroom door):  Hey!!!!  Have you got all your things ready?  The bellhop will be here for our bags soon.  You're already gorgeous anyway.  Hurry the hell up, would you? Vanessa (from inside bathroom):  Almost done.  Just a another minute!!! Leticia:  *sigh* There's a knock at the

Goddess II – Episode 1

[The Christopher Columbus Transcontinental Highway, aka The 10] balls:  So, we're actually meeting the girls in Vegas?!? tWBS:  Yeah sorry.  It was supposed to be a surprise and I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I'm really excited to see Leticia.  I'm surprised Vanessa didn't spill her guts to you about it

Offseason QB Interviews – Dallas edition.

It's hate week they said, go to your evil place they said. Is it not bad enough the Eagles have to play the hated P*ts this weekend? Nope, heading to big D to see what is happening with the Cowboys. As a professional journalist from the Upstairs Backlane Hollywood Journalism School

Goddess II – Prologue

Last Season, on the Goddess Chronicles....   balls leans in to look at the dashboard of this new girl’s car, just as tWBS has asked.  He’s already annoyed at tWBS, and LCSS too.  At this point he just wants to go home.  Then he sees it.  The small piece of rock tWBS

Offseason QB Interviews! Seattle edition.

Ah Seattle, I love this city, sure there is a bunch of hipsters with mismatching clothing so even since Alaska Air lost my bags I can wear the same clothes for days and fit in. That Oakland interview was really strange but I have no fear that I will get