Sexy Friday – 20221202

TGIF! So long November. And DEAD Mannschaft, and Uruguay, and Eye-Ran, and Mexico, and America's Hat. You're next Oranje. We're on to December and the Hard Knock Out Life. Hope your personal LDB challenge is still alive. Mine is because I'm sick and can't get out of my own house.

Sexy Friday – 20221125

TGIF! So long Turkey week! ('Merikan version) Let's get to it so we can grab our beauty sleep before another early morning of lesser footy, world edition. Survival - Personal Edition Now that you've made left a disaster in your kitchen and forgot to clean up, you've been blessed with a cockroach

Sexy Friday – 20221118

TGIF! So long, work week and good bye to the Packer's season! Their owners should do something with their framed owner certificates and fix this. Speaking of those cheese heads, let's give them some survival advice on a subject they know all too well. Survival - Personal Edition That's right, today we're

Sexy Friday – 20221111

TGIF! So long, work week and Happy Armistice Day to those that celebrate! And now the weekend is here, so is racing! Let's learn how to survive spinning in a race car. Survival - Personal Edition So, you've made the decision to ruin your finances by going racing. Congrats, that is one

Sexy Friday – 20221103

TGIF! So long, work week. Well not for me, I'm on vacation. And yet, here I am nearing midnight and working. Should I be paid double time for my efforts? Of course not! I'm salaried. Speaking of corporate overlords, let's now learn how to survive an attack by the wolves

Sexy Friday – 20221028

TGIF! So long, work week and hello Dirt Superb Owl! Before that though, let's learn how to escape an Ukraine war zone with the abandoned tank sitting over there. Survival - Personal Edition That's right, it's time to learn how to drive a tank! First thing, we need to get in the

Sexy Friday – 20221021

TGIF! So long, work week and so long to the Dangerwich. Cancel culture is coming for everything Charmslinger related. Careful out there Ciara! Let's turn our attention to something more important, how to improve your working conditions. Survival - Personal Edition So you have an incompetent boss who constantly lashes out at

Sexy Friday – 20221014

TGIF! So long, work week and good riddance to another Thursday night of a pupper abortion game. DO SOMETHING CONGRESS! But we're not here to reminisce, we're here to survive for the weekend. Survival - Personal Edition Now some of you may not have enough money to pay for some help around

Sexy Friday – 20221007

TGIF! So long, work week. As least Hines won't remember Thursday night's pupper abortion of a game. Never go full Charmslinger with your team folks. This week, on survivor island: Reservations! Survival - Personal Edition No, not personal reservations. Now that Nu-Aids is no longer a thing, dining out is a thing

Sexy Friday – 20220930

TGIF! So long, work week. At least Tua won't remember any of it. Off to the survivor-dome! Survival - Personal Edition Before it gets too cold, there's still time to find a tall bridge and jump off it! Fortunately, we're all smart enough to attach a bungee cord to our feet before