It's not Sexy Friday, but here ya go! Yeah, I did not watch that speech. I had work to do (that I procrastinated on) and would consider gnawing each of my fingers off, one by one, before being subjected to that wankery in its entirety. Anyway, before we get to the news,
DFOing Good
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 5
AFL Beat 2025 – Season Preview!
Subsequent GTD reflections
Monday Night Open Thread – Bunny Take Over Edition
Monday Morning Mock Draft: Looks Like I Won’t Be The Only Thing Not Aging Well This Week!
Saturday Night Off-season Open Thread 2025-5
I don't know why the phrase, "Omigod you're going to make me watch Italian cinema!" pops into my head right now. God Bless You, 2Pack! And God bless those gorgeous Italian ladies... So, aside from insanely hot Europeans, what is there to talk about? Current Events This week culminated with Trump telling the Ukrainian
Request Line: Extended Versions
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY Once again, all the lights are off in the studio, and it's completely silent. The studio lights come on... ...and in the hallway that leads to the studio a series of frantic footsteps can be heard. --- [DOOR FLIES OPEN] --- HUNTER RENFROW: [tossing his bike helmet and backpack
Sharkbaits Cocktail of the Week: Royalty
Golf Tales Volume 1 – Part 4
Substitute Teacher Bonus Cocktail Hour!
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Nothing As Fun This Week
Yeah, sorry. Not feeling it today. Nocturnes lost a heartbreaker last night (Claude Sellers went 7 2/3 shutout, then double-single-IBB, walk on a 16, shutout gone, Sellers out, Phillips in, walk, tie game. Bottom 9: single, walk-off homer, ballgame) and let's just say things going on that I hope are