I did it. I finally did it. I called Directv up and told them not to renew my NFL Sunday Ticket subscription. This was the last holdout. The last bit of money that I was contributing to the NFL's coffers is now no more. And you know why I held out
Hard Ride To Nowhere Spring Break Special (Part 1)
Balls’ Bedtime Stories – Chapter 13
Chapter 12 Who was that gorgeous blonde Russian track girl? Who slipped that picture under the door? It seemed that Balls had friends but the picture did not have any of the tell-tale codes that M would have ordered to be included. Balls' mind was whirring with the possibilities. Balls had friends in
An Open Letter to King Hippo, Sill Bimmons, and the other EPL lovers/La Liga haters
Dear Invisible Imaginary Internet Friends, Please don't take this post the wrong way. I love international football just like you do. I like Rebecca Lowe as a host and as an expert on all things footy. I also enjoy watching the English Premier League along with you and I was raptured
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 26)
The scene: The basement of the creepy house where the Angry Girl Scout dwells. JJ Fozz, Lord Revisile, Rikki-Tikki-Deadly and Ballsofsteelandfury are chained to the wall while the Angry Girl Scout busies herself by drawing a pentagram and a variety of arcane symbols on the floor. JJ Fozz: Look, kid... Angry
The Gang Runs Into Negan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKFIDLMliHo So yeah....when last we saw the gang from ATL, they had agreed to protect the interests of the Hilltoppers by basically becoming the mercenaries they've always claimed to not be. They faked a death (Thank GOD there's plenty of dead heads around these days) in order to gain entrance, then kilt
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 25)
Straight White Super Bowl 2016: Oscars Recap
The Oscars were last weekend. Let's see how my predictions did. Best Picture, Best Director, Acting Awards (5/6) I missed only one of the big six awards, with Best Director going to Alejandro González Iñárritu for The Revenant instead of George Miller for Mad Max: Fury Road. The lead acting categories went, as expected, to Leonardo DiCaprio and
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 24)
Oscars 2016: Best Picture and Best Open Thread
They'll start handing out the awards in an hour or so, and I still have a personal Best Picture to anoint. But before I do, let's take a moment to remember that Straight Outta Compton was not nominated, and neither was Beasts of No Nation, and neither was The Danish Girl, and neither was Carol. Beasts
Straight White Super Bowl 2016: Best Foreign-Language Film
The Oscars are almost upon us, with all their unpredictability. You don’t need an oracle to tell you what will happen. You don’t even need a film critic. You need someone who sees into the very souls of the Academy voters. You need a Straight White Man. Okay, so you guys