Shempions Sixteen – A Mini-Primer

With the long, cold, hopeless winter/spring/summer ahead of us, one clings to every scintilla of decency that one can.  Which brings me to our intermittent, weekday afternoon treat - Shempions League knockout rounds.  This began yesterday, with MmmmmmmBOP! cold-bloodedly assisinating the Real Cuntfaces of Madrid at the very death.  A beautiful

Sunday EPL/Owl Prediciones Thread

Again, I apologize for not crapping out a Saturday nighter.  As partial recompense, here is a morning one. Spurs/Wolves is the best of the three 9:00 offerings (all action on Peacock), with European qualification meaning for each club.  Until midweek, Wolves had been flying shit-hot.  Spurs, on the other hand, have

Into the Wild Weekend of Nothingness

Good morning, fellow inmates of the imaginary asylum! We come back from a week off for the Prem, and there's ONE match.  And it's Burnley/Watford (1p, Peacock).  BLECH. But lo, we have a shit ton of FA Cup ties.  The patented magic started last night, with Boro taking out Men Untied, after

Sexy Friday – First Friday of February 2022

As I was browsing YouTube last week looking for songs to play for you, I stumbled across a little bit of genius that got me to say out loud, "How the fuck did I not know about this???". This is what is in store for you today on the

The One Where Hippo Starts Watching Everton Again

Admittedly, the rumours around the managerial search...have not been encouraging.  There remains chaos and incompetence in the boardroom.  But fuck it, Useless Fuckwit Benitez is gone, and I can watch my beloved Toffees again. Which is timely, given that Everton/Villa are the wakey-bakey Saturday offering (7:30, USA).  Slippy G returns to

Afrikan Euros In DFO Lesser Spotlight – Sabado Open Thread

So many fixtures, so many tWBS scorelines.  Perhaps his ghost is dancing in the stands with the Senegalese support. First, the distasteful White Devil preliminaries.  NBC/USA is paywalling the City/Chelski brekkie match (7:30, Peacock).  Kind of a dick move, especially when trying to get viewership used to the new channel and

#TransformerNuAIDS – Sweeping the Premiership! Lesser Open Thread

Shitting on Urban Meyer's Jaguras grave will never get old.  Bask in its warming glow. Will the two fixtures left standing (as of this writing) even go forward?  I have my doubts.  I also don't really give a fuck, because of what I said last week (Everton being ruined by an