On Politics, Trump, and why the Patriots are a perfect reflection of Trump’s America

We here on this fair site have a deep deep hatred for the Patriots.  Their “success” and the reaction of their fanbase to this success has fed the hate and kept it at a nice even temperature long enough to smoke all the cattle in Texas. In a similar vein, the

2017 Quotables – Results Week One

Our own Blaxxy is busy traveling for work,  so you get me as Judge and Judy for this week's submittals. Without further ado, let's get to it! And the winners are...... Who said “the logo is lava?” - LemonJello Talk about adding injury to insult. Of course the Jest can’t do anything in the

25 Questions About….

This: So, you may have heard the news that the Zodiac Killer or someone on his staff "liked" a tweet from @SexuallPosts which contained a porn video. I, your intrepid investigative reporter,  tracked down the video and watched the whole thing.  You may have.... Questions. 1- Is it a rhetorical question to ask

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Finals Bye Week edition

There were no games this weekend since the AFL instituted a bye last year between the last Round of the Home and Away season and the first week of Finals.   However, there was a lot of action on and off the field.  I will also review my preseason predictions

25 Questions About…

this I am speaking, of course, about the Bay Area.  It's that mass of land in the north of my beautiful state that is home to mostly disgusting hairy hippy hipster no-good wine-swilling cheese-eating holier-than-thou arrogant assholes.  And most of them support this piece of shit team: This here is your ALTERNATE

25 Questions About…

This: Now, you non-Spanish speakers may not understand the picture I just showed you.  It is, ostensibly, a movie poster for a film called The ChickenFucker.  No, this is not the South Park episode, this is something else entirely.  Live action.  Apparently.  I know I have questions.  You may too: 1- Is the

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Round 23

It's the end of the Home and Away season!  And what an end we had!  The final spot in the Eight came down to the last game of the season, which really seals this as one of the best AFL regular seasons ever.  Who got in?  Who choked?  READ ON! Welcome

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Round 22

There is one week left and we are still not sure who among a few teams will make the Eight. It's so nice that it comes down to the final week, isn't it?  Who got eliminated, who clinched, and who is in limbo?  READ ON! Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL

Your Half-assed 2017 Pittsburgh Steelers Season Preview

So, this feels appropriate.  Originally, WCS was going to write the bulk of this preview while I, the "recovering" Steelers fan was going to add in some comic relief and rejoice in the fact that I don't give a fuck if Ben dies on the field or not, if Mike

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Round 21

You know, every once in a while something happens that melts my cynical dark heart and gives me joy.  This weekend brought me two of those things.  Only one is AFL-related.  The other was that I was able to get a parking spot ON THE STREET literally five feet from

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – 2017 Round 20

There are only 3 weeks left in the Home and Away season and things are getting interesting/crowded/hectic/wild.  Let's get right to it. Welcome to Balls of Steel's AFL Beat! The Round started with a matchup that looked great on paper but that lost its appeal once Geelong decided to NOT appeal Patrick