I have been called many things: Dreamer. Madman. Mrs. Ethel Burstein. But this is not some delusion of grandeur, like that time I thought I could renew my drivers license in less than two hours. No, this dream can come true. WILL come true. DFO is going to buy the Denver Broncos. It sort
Coach Zimmer Takes a Long Walk in the Woods.
banner image via [exterior Coach Zimmers' compound in Kentucky] Coach Zimmer walks in the front door of his expansive residence looking forlorn. He tosses his keys on the hall table and removes his Vikings cap. Coach Zimmer: "Hello? Beansie? Maria? I'm home!" A distant squeaking sound is heard and approaches Coach. "EEK EEEK EEEK!" CZ: "Beansie!
25 Questions About….
A modest proposal for the 2028 LA Olympics
Cincinnati Bengals Bye Week Update – State of the Steelers
Better Know a Draft Pick: Larry King Not Live Edition
(a.k.a. - the Tuesday Evening Open Thread - Beerguyrob) Hello, friends. I notice that the National Football League, sometimes known as the "NFL," is hosting their annual player selection this week, and yours truly has some thoughts. Yes, I am still dead, but my head's cryogenic storage pod only gets
The DFO Monday Morning Mock Draft, Chapter The Second
Larry King Not Live: A [DFO] Hate Week Special
The D of S, Vol. II: The Earthly Paradise
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo VII
tWBS: Why am I nervous? Senor: Because as I said, this is the lust terrace upcoming, and you posted compilations of sexy pictures on the Internet for multiple years? tWBS: Hey, they weren't pornographic! Senor: Yeah, but society's a bunch of prudes. tWBS: And you did it too! Senor: Like twice? Probably a difference there,
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo VI
The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo V
Place: Walking into the fifth terrace of Purgatory, when… Voice: Adhaesit pavimento anima mea. My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me with Your Word. A soul lays prostrated on the ground. tWBS: Hey buddy, you okay? And can you speak up? I can't really hear you mumbling into the ground. Voice: My soul