A Modester Proposal: DFO Buys the Denver Broncos (and Tuesday Open Thread)

I have been called many things: Dreamer. Madman. Mrs. Ethel Burstein. But this is not some delusion of grandeur, like that time I thought I could renew my drivers license in less than two hours. No, this dream can come true. WILL come true. DFO is going to buy the Denver Broncos. It sort

Coach Zimmer Takes a Long Walk in the Woods.

banner image via [exterior Coach Zimmers' compound in Kentucky] Coach Zimmer walks in the front door of his expansive residence looking forlorn. He tosses his keys on the hall table and removes his Vikings cap. Coach Zimmer: "Hello? Beansie? Maria? I'm home!" A distant squeaking sound is heard and approaches Coach. "EEK EEEK EEEK!" CZ: "Beansie!

Cincinnati Bengals Bye Week Update – State of the Steelers

First of all, allow me to show off this bad boy: I love me some Cincinnati. I love WKRP. I think Redshirt is one of our coolest commenters. I have fond memories of watching Ken Anderson play back in the day. Unfortunately, the National Football League franchise knowns as

The DFO Monday Morning Mock Draft, Chapter The Second

One of the biggest things I miss from our old site was the mock drafts that used to run every Friday.  Those were fantastic time wasters, and a good one was a virtual guarantee that you were going to be far from productive at work, as your day instead degenerated

The D of S, Vol. II: The Earthly Paradise

Night on top of the mountain of Purgatory. tWBS: So, what's gonna happen? Senor: Beats me. After all, I'm not gonna be with you. All I can do is watch. tWBS: Wait, seriously? You can't come and watch? But which commenter's going to escort me through all of Heaven? Senor: Why would you want

The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo VII

tWBS: Why am I nervous? Senor: Because as I said, this is the lust terrace upcoming, and you posted compilations of sexy pictures on the Internet for multiple years? tWBS: Hey, they weren't pornographic! Senor: Yeah, but society's a bunch of prudes. tWBS: And you did it too! Senor: Like twice? Probably a difference there,

The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo VI

Place and time: Walking up into the sixth terrace of Purgatory, right after Mozart ditched them. tWBS: You know, I've been wondering. I've gone through Hell and Purgatory, and dealt with a whole ton of people on the way. And I could understand them all. Why? Senor: Okay, first off, out of

The D of S, Vol. II: Terrazzo V

Place: Walking into the fifth terrace of Purgatory, when… Voice: Adhaesit pavimento anima mea. My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me with Your Word. A soul lays prostrated on the ground. tWBS: Hey buddy, you okay? And can you speak up? I can't really hear you mumbling into the ground. Voice: My soul