We haven't had one of these in a while, huh? Before we get to the game analysis, let me make it clear who I'm rooting for. From fútbol babes: Given that, Barcelona should win, right? Well, not so fast. Liverpool are a tough team and they are STILL battling
Your Last Saturday in April Sexy Soccer Open Thread + A Special Reminder!
Your Saturday AM Lesser Footy Thread
Rejoice and Be Merry, International Break is O-vah!
So Much Lesser Footy, So Much HATE
Your Last Saturday in February Sexy Soccer Open Thread + A Special Invitation!
Your Champions League Round of 16 Day 2 Open Thread
Your Lesser Footy AM open thread: How soccer helped end apartheid in South Africa
Saturday Morning Footy – Open Thread
Your “Which Team in Liga MX Should I Adopt?” Sexy Soccer Saturday Open Thread
Your No More Saturday NFL Sexy Soccer Saturday Open Thread
Divisional Saturday Roundtable and 12 January Lesser Footy Thread
HAIL GAMBLOR! European footy is mostly all back this weekend. Arsenal ride into West Ham to start festivities (7:30, NBCSN). The Gooners are feeling the hot breath of Man U(re) for 5th position, while the Hammers have worked their way up to the top half (10th). Could be fairly interesting. Redshite visit