There's much talk of drinkling and fooding in the early thread so I know that everyone is doing it right proper today. The forty-five minutes I spent on the elliptical (god, I hate that motherfucker) won't even begin to justify the calories that I'll be absorbing through the day but
Way Too Many Words on the Jets at the Bye: A Jets at the Bye Post
Your “I Think The Banner Pic Pretty Much Covers It” Holiest of Holy Open Threads
Another Jets Preview in the Underworld, 2019 Edition
Right, this. Uh, shit. I haven't been down in a while, being busy and all. Eh, let's start this and I imagine someone will call and yell at me. So! Another year, another Jets preview. Oh, another coach, this time replacing Todd "Not Sally" Bowles (I've wanted to use that for a
And Now, A Jets Fan’s Take on the New Unis
So, unless you were under a rock yesterday, you might have heard that the New York Jets got new uniforms. They even had stuff going in Times Square during the press conference. The unis look… a-like this. Reactions have been… let's say mixed, to be generous. But hey, we've had a
Your “Fantasy Playoffs Ahoy!” Sunday Afternoon Football Open Thread
I'm late to the party today so we should go straight... TO THE GAMES! Jets/Bills: I will get this game on the old TV. I will not celebrate that fact. Panthers/Browns: God, wouldn't a Browns ambush go down smooth today? Falcons/Packers: Look for Mr. Rodgers to go nuts today. Now that he's got McCarthy off his
Instant Hippo Thoughts
"OW MY HEAD!" "UGH, MY STOMACH!" "YIKES, MY BALLS!" These may be some of the thoughts going through Hippo's head today as he is under the weather and has requested assistance in fulfilling his weekly report to you fine folks. Now, granted, I do not speak hillbilly although I can understand it. Thus, you