Sexy Friday, Post Cinco De Mayo 2021 edition

We are back with pictures that you have posted yourselves. It's been a long time, but we've had a lot of issues with the site and people were not really posting pics. However, enough time has passed that we have enough pictures to fill today's post. Special thanks to Brocky,

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello fellow DFO'er.  Happy May the forth/force day.  Hope your well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some make it and others don't.   As most of you know, the NFL draft was

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello fellow DFO'er.  Hope your well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some make it and others don't.   Update on the home front, we're still under the stay-the-fuck-home thing.  Our daily rate

Your The Super League is as dead as Prince Philip Open Thread

Today has been an interesting day. Somehow, someway, reason and logic have triumphed. Both in Europe and in Minnesota. The Super League is dead and the rats are fighting each other to get off the sinking ship. Manchester City was the first to declare their intention

Subsequent GTD reflections

And we're back baby.  The new servers are all bright, clean and shiny.  Or were, we've been here for a week now, so someone should really clean up a bit. Someone?  Anyone? ya, that's what I thought, Ferris isn't cleaning anything.  With things slowly returning to normal both front end

Sexy Friday, It’s Working Again! edition

Thanks to a LOT of work behind the scenes, Sexy Friday is BACK! Thank you to BeerGuyRob for mentioning this in last night's Open Thread as I logged on and went, "Oh shit! Tomorrow's Friday?". So, you are getting a slightly different version of Sexy Friday today. I

Tuesday replacement for the replacement for the replacement open thread

Hi all and welcome to a GTD only day.  muhahahahaha With the site having issues on the weekend, balls was not able to write up any of his midweek posts in his free hour on the weekend (what a slacker), so I'm filling in for him today.  For those keeping track

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comments of the week. Another week of the site being slow and troublesome to log into and post. Thanks for sticking with us as we go through some moving pains. I've been told that the site has been moved providers way behind the scenes and that

Your Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Ep 6 & 7 Recap and Open Thread

Welcome back to the Tuesday Temptation Island Talk Open Thread! As you know, we've had technical difficulties, so tonight's Open Thread captures what happened in Episode 6 and in Episode 7. Don't worry, they've REALLY milked the episodes, so we didn't miss much. *** What Happened? The Boys got their bonfire. There

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comments of the week. I was worried for a bit that there wouldn't be many comments to pick from and thus I'd have to, like, generate my own content, and not just copy paste y'all. But due to your hard work, patience and dedication,

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Pedro Love! A Travelogue.

Good morning all! Over the winter I had mentioned the absolute joy shitshow that I experienced when I moved during a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC! It wasn't planned exactly but it happened none-the-less. Don't need to get too into specifics but it came down to needing to change the home dynamics. Nobody's fault,

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comments of the week. A much quieter week here are DFO.  Lots of fun with the benign superpower draft and lots more hard decisions with the banner draft.  This site has been as slow as molasses going up hill in the winter. Rest assured that there