A Lazily Updated Canadian Flag Day Post

[In attempt to meet my quota from the #content mines, and in respect of Canada's 150th birthday this coming July 1, I am republishing my Flag Day post from last year, with updates to obsolete information & additions of information I found fascinating for my students. If you emigrate here, you'll need

Your “Hmm…Who Else Can DFO Help Bring Down?” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

Russians. They're everywhere. They come in all shapes & sizes.   And trying to infiltrate everything, even this here site. But why is that? Is it because of the sympathies expressed during our World Cup Previews? No. Is it because we have pointed out the historical badasses that have wrought havoc on Mother Russia from time to

Your “Welcome To Day 3 – Bargaining With Bargaining” Wednesday Evening Open Thread

Hi, my name's Beerguy, and I'd like to talk with you about the future. Super Bowl LI(cked) is in the book, so it's time to start looking forward to next season. If you're like me, your team didn't win, and that's okay. It's okay because your team has learned from its mistakes,

Celebrity Superb Owl Picks: Sean Spicer

COWARDLY MEDIA WHORE TRADING JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY FOR ACCESS: Good evening, and welcome to CNN. Tonight, we turn to a somewhat lighter topic than normal: picking the winner of the upcoming Super Bowl. With us tonight is professional faux-liberal doormat Alan  Colmes... COLMES: Thank you. I'm just so happy to be... WHORE: And

Your “THIS is League Stability?”Thursday Night Open Thread

NFL News: The Raiders have officially filed their relocation papers with the League. According to Yelp, the second best, but closest, moving company to the O.co is West Coast Moving Systems. They have a three-hour guaranteed response time, and proudly advertise having moved Gary Payton. This seems right up Mark

Reince Priebus Tries To Plan The Inauguration

The scene is one of quiet desperation, as GOP Chairman Reince Priebus tries to produce quality entertainment for the upcoming inaugural festivities. On a constant basis, musicians and celebrities have made it clear they would never consider bringing their talents to Washington to celebrate the incoming Cheeto-in-Chief; the current acts are limited to 3

Better Know A Trump Appointee – Vincent Viola

The hits just keep on coming with Donald Trump. At this point, it looks like membership in only one organization qualifies you for consideration for a cabinet position:   Something tells me Pharrell doesn't fit in with the rest of Trump's picks. I wonder if Trump knows it's not a real club. Name: Vincent

Better Know A Trump Appointee – Michael Flynn

Everybody has one, that friend with the short temper who is usually a great time, but all it takes is for one thing to happen and that guy's attitude turns on a dime and there's no settling him down. He just has to yell or punch his way calm. Well,

Better Know A Trump Appointee – Linda McMahon

As has been discussed in the news cycle, Donald Trump is again paying back favours and choosing important donors to be cabinet appointees. For the Secretary of Small Business Administration (SBA), he has settled on noted businesswoman, two-time candidate for Senate from Connecticut, and $5 million donor to the Trump

Your “You Don’t Know How It Feels” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

First off, a belated hat's off to The Maestro and his Redblacks for their victory in last Sunday's Grey Cup, a victory 40 years in the making, and in the same spot as their last one. Both involve a pretty memorable touchdown too. In an 8/9 team league, hopefully it doesn't

Down by the Lakeside

INT. FIRST ENERGY STADIUM PRESS ROOM A group of reporters fill the chairs before an empty speakers table. Members of the Browns press corps are somberly discussing the game and comparing notes for their morning columns  They hush themselves and begin turning on their recording devices and scribbling on their notepads as Browns Coach