The scene: The In-N-Out across from the DFO clubhouse. PK is backing out of the store quickly, laden down with packages of cookies, potato chips, corn chips, doughnuts, several jars of frosting, a package of beef jerky, a small baked ham and a can of whip cream. PK (yelling back
I Just Realized the New “Ghost in the Shell” is Rated PG-13…
...and naturally I had to come to the INTERNET to complain about it. Are you fucking kidding me?! A major part of the premise and success of the cyber-punk source material is the complete and ridiculous over the top violence! Just look at some of this shit (unless you are at
Your “Rick & Michonne’s Romantic Getaway” Walking Dead Recap
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 71)
“Ugh – Again With This Crap?” – A Walking Dead Review
DFO Poker Club Announcement
Oscar Preview 2017: Ya Betta Act, Someboday (or, Open Thread)
Your 2017 Daytona 500 Open Thread
Your “Oscars Eve Razzie Night” Saturday Evening Open Thread
Bienvenido a la noche del sábado, Commentistas. If you are on the verge of either going out, or **shudder** talking to relatives, the Razzies ceremony is this evening, possibly even on their YouTube channel. The winners were announced earlier today. Find them on a regular entertainment site, as their homepage looks like it
Oscar Preview 2017: Best Pictures
Hard Ride To Nowhere (Chapter 70)
The scene: The DFO clubhouse. It's deserted, aside from Unsurprised, PK and Future Clone Debbie Harry, who are all inside. Future Clone Debbie Harry: Unacceptable! This is totally unacceptable! I come back here to take my revenge, and everyone is gone? PK: Maybe they went out for some doughnuts. You know, I