Time for Random Thoughts with BFC

Remember that old SNL sketch "Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal"? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain't exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form,

The Legend of (Pretend) Bernard Gilkey – Day and Night Open Thread

No doubt you remember the original.  #BFIB regular, excellent defender in LF (before such was really appreciated, sadly), well-rounded offensive profile.  A few Hollywood cameos, even! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsLRtId0WPk Well, he's been re-born as a Salford-native midfielder-turned-manager, thanks to Football Manager 2020.  He would have stayed at Everton forever, but the Board pissed him

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 19: Tried and True Trepanation

Good morning. Headaches again, huh? Let me just go get the Black and Decker. All my other instruments are still in the autoclave. Oh, don't grimace like that. You want budget? You're getting budget. Hell, if you make it, this one will be totally free - I promise. TREPANATION: NOTHING LIKE

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 18: Lending A Sympathetic Hand

Good morning. Thanks for stopping by. I'm just rushing out to play golf, but I have a few seconds to take a look at what's going on here. And... oh. How did you cut yourself using a plastic butter knife? Do I even want to know? I may be your

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 17: Blubbering Away The Pain

Good morning. I have the medical reports requested for your NFL Draft preparation; my only caveat is that you don't ask how I managed to acquire this information. Remember: cash remains king, and silence says just as much as your Tweets. What I can tell you is this: I think

Sundays With Litre, now with Even Less Litre!


Your illustrious host for the Sunday evening Open Thread is in my birth country of México for a well-earned vacation so I'll be covering this post this weekend and next. This means that he'll be too drunk to type. However, I am expecting a Boots On The Ground report

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 16: Cutting to the Core With Psychic Surgery

Good morning. I just read your charts from before; I understand the voices in your head this week are telling you that you're in immense pain? Sorry to hear this. But fortunately, I have some good news - I think I can make the voices go away. If you're willing

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 15: Porpoiseful Pregnancy Patronage

Good morning! I... Oh. I see. Yeah, I can get you some Plan B, but you really need to be more discreet about this in future. I promise I won't even ask which cheerleader it was this time... Hey, just thank your lucky stars that I'm still able to help

A Tradition Unlike Any Other (Ugh) Now, Post-Plague and Sort of Updated! Without Commets from Years Ago!

Hello, friends. It's a tradition unlike any other. It's The Masters. I'm Jim Nantz, and it's my distinct pleasure to bring you one of the great events in all of sports. It's Augusta National Golf Club, the Mecca of professional golf. The pride, the heritage, the racial purity. Yes, The Masters embodies

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 14: Hangover Help From Historical Hordes

Tylenol? Here, take the whole bottle. I know it's probably not strictly ethical for me to give you this many all at once, but we really shouldn't have had all those Bloody Marys hanging out in the pool after playing golf yesterday. I feel just as rough as you are. Take

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 13: Teething Solutions For The Modern Mother

Look, I know you're frustrated about not being able to sleep, but I don't do pediatrics - I'm sorry. No, Darren Sproles doesn't count! But I empathize. I do. Teething's no fun for anybody. I could potentially refer you to my buddy, Dr. Earl Bradley, down in Delaware... but I

David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 12: Life, Lungs, Love, and Laughter: Tips And Tricks For The Leader In You!

I'm going to have to ask you to cough for me this morning. I know you've been up all night coughing, but you have to understand that for a patient such as yourself with known breathing issues, you really need to be more aware of the risks of riding shotgun