Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   10 shipping days until Christmas. It's not like any of us

2021 Balls’ Bowl Breview – The First Week.


So, the Bowl matchups for what King Hippo affectionately calls JV Footy came out and I was perusing them and had some thoughts. Ergo Ipso Factum Testiculum, here we are. There are a grand total of 44 (FORTY FOUR!) bowl games this year, so I am breaking them into pieces

Sexy Friday – Mid- December 2021 edition

Today, we have a special Mr. Ayo showcase! Mr. Ayo very kindly and graciously bestowed upon us a bevy of pictures last Friday and they truly are spectacular. Thank you and please thank your penis for us! As far as the music, I am rerunning last week's puzzle. I

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. Some random thoughts in my head today: love that the LioUns have

Cincinnati Bengals Bye Week Update – State of the Steelers

First of all, allow me to show off this bad boy: I love me some Cincinnati. I love WKRP. I think Redshirt is one of our coolest commenters. I have fond memories of watching Ken Anderson play back in the day. Unfortunately, the National Football League franchise knowns as

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   So, thanks to ballsy, the link to comment on how you are

Sexy Friday, Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 edition

It's a holiday, which is perfect timing because the pics today are all from Halloween and they are all courtesy of Spur. Thank you, good sir, for providing so much delicious candy that weekend! This time of year, it's normal to say what you are thankful for. I don't

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   As a Canadian that does work for mostly USA based companies this

Sexy Friday, Pre-Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 edition

I am still catching up from previous pictures you all have posted, so today you get more than just 11 pictures. Thank you to all that have contributed! *** For those of you prudes that don't like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos. Here are your Top

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   So, kinda feel vindicated in putting up my Christmas last weekend as