Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   I don't got anything for all yallz today.  Just quiet here and

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   While I love having a long weekend, it always takes me a

Sexy Friday, No Time To Die release weekend edition

Technically, the movie has already opened in Europe and other parts of the world, but it's opening weekend in the US for the latest James Bond movie. I'm not sure about Canadia, but I'm assuming you guys, unfortunately, get lumped in with us dumbfucks. Today's post is dedicated to the

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   Some sad news today.  I'm wearing pants instead of shorts.  While I

Sexy Friday, First Friday in October 2021 edition

Holy shit time flies, huh? Thanks to Brocky's prodigious penis, we have an amazing selection of ladies tonight. Seriously, man, that's some quality work! It's an ALL-BROCKY pictorial! Congratulations to Gumbygirl, who was able to determine the link between the states in last week's song puzzle. The answer

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   Not much time for a proper write up today as I've been

Sexy Friday, Last Friday in September 2021 edition

No one got the song puzzle last week, so I am rerunning the songs. Y'all got pretty close with the states thing, but I wasn't going to make it that easy for you. There is a relationship between the states that you need to figure out. Thanks again to y'all that

“Didn’t You Guys Do This Just Two Years Ago?” – A [DFO] Canadian Election Primer

Part 4 - Hopefully not for four more fucking years, but unlikely. ------------------------------------------------ Well, the election was Monday night, but the weekend played right into the hands of the media and the ridiculous, which the media largely generated. Of course, the conspiracies came out on display. Most notably, the Conservative press alleged that

Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't.   With foutbawl back we've back to our in season schedule.  Monday started

Sexy Friday, Mexican Independence Day Weekend 2021 edition

Technically, Mexican Independence Day was earlier this week, but I can guarantee you that Mexican neighborhoods in your neck of the wood will be partying heavy this weekend. Which coincides perfectly with the girls that you guys chose to post a couple of weeks ago! Today's pictorial features