Subsequent GTD reflections

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. So we made it past blue Monday. Yay This is one of

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Inspiration can come from the Strangest Places. Tortilla Española

Well hello again everyone! Welcome welcome. Come on in. If it's not too much trouble can you take your shoes off? Hardwood floors and all. Thanks. Hope everybody is enjoying their long weekend, I am super fucking excited for today. Later this afternoon both of my daughters and all 3 of my granddaughters -

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comments of the week. Hope you are staying warm, sane and busy. The banner bracket is back, baby.  Thanks Senior for putting them all together.  We're not even out of the second round and there have been some great matchups already. Reminder to go vote for

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week. Hope you are staying warm and busy. Somewhat of a quieter week here at DFO comment wise. Monday started out with the "sproting event you'd like to have attended" draft.  Some good work done there to pick events that I'd forgotten about. 

Sunday Gravy with yeah right and special guest Litre Cola! Exploring international haute cuisine! First stop. Jollibee.

Good morning everyone! Damn glad to see you! We've got something a little different for you today. We've got a special guest star. Our very own Litre Cola! We're also switching things up a bit and instead of cooking we'll be trying food that someone else prepared. I know, right? I'm pretty sure the

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings. Hope you are staying warm and busy. How the fuck are we already in March.  This Thursday will mark a full year since I have gone into the office.  I've been remote since then. I'm very lucky to be

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings. Hope you are staying warm and busy.  We had ourselves another crazy week here.  Monday we talked about flags and ice cube trays.  Tuesday had the return of TTITOT.  Litre started off Wednesday with Snaxx and then Rush died. 
